Related to part: part of speech, path
- (a body part) is killing (one)
- (a)round these parts
- (even) the best of friends must part
- a bit part
- a hand in
- a man of parts
- a man/woman of parts
- a part in (something)
- bag and baggage
- be (all) part of life's rich pageant
- be (all) part of life's rich tapestry
- be art and part of
- be art and part of (something)
- be greater/more than the sum of its parts
- be more/bigger/greater than the sum of its parts
- be part and parcel of
- be part and parcel of (something)
- be part and parcel of something
- be part of the furniture
- best part of
- best part of something
- better half
- discretion is the better part of valor
- discretion is the better part of valour
- do (one's) part
- do one's bit
- for (one's) own part
- for (one's) part
- for my, his, etc. part
- for one's part
- for part
- for the most part
- have a part in (something)
- have a part to play
- have no part in/of (something)
- have/play/take/want no part in/of something
- in good part
- in large part
- in part
- in small part
- in these parts
- in those parts
- look the part
- look/dress the part
- man of many parts
- man of parts
- more/bigger/greater than the sum of its parts
- on (someone's) part
- on somebody's part
- on the part of
- on the part of (someone)
- part (one's) hair
- part and parcel
- part brass rags with
- part brass rags with (one)
- part company
- part company (with one)
- part from
- part hair
- part of the furniture
- part over
- part over (something)
- part to play
- part ways (with one)
- part with
- part with (someone or something)
- play (one's) part
- play a big part
- play a big part (in something)
- play a bit part
- play a bit part (in something)
- play a large part
- play a large part (in something)
- play a part in
- play a part in (something)
- play a small part (in something)
- play a/your part
- play no part in/of (something)
- poke (one) in (some body part)
- possession is nine parts of the law
- possession is nine points of the law
- possession is nine points/tenths/parts of the law
- possession is nine-tenths of the law
- private parts
- privy parts
- put weight on
- put weight on some part of the body
- round/in these parts
- take (one's) part
- take (something) in good part
- take no part in/of (something)
- take part
- take somebody's part
- take someone's part
- take something in good part
- the best of friends must part
- the best part of (something)
- the better part of (something)
- the better/best part of something
- till death do us part
- till death us do part
- until death us do part
- want no part in/of (something)
- What brings you around these parts?
- what part of no don't you understand?
- woman of many parts