deviates from an ATC clearance or instruction shall notify ATC of that deviation as soon as possible." Had he climbed, he would've had to tell me, so I could pry other aircraft away from him before they became a collision factor.
WHEN YA GOTTA DEVIATE: Need to deviate around weather or change your course for some unplanned reason? Don't wait to the last minute to tell ATC, and always keep your options open
It's time to exercise your escape option when you think you might need to
deviate from your deviation.
Sidestepping Storms: Coordinate your plan with ATC, stay in VMC and don't get too close
The variables you need to generate a symmetrical triangle distribution in Excel are the minimum, maximum, mode, and standard
deviate. For example, a triangle distribution with a minimum value of $13,000, a maximum of $15,000, and a mode of $14,000 would have the following formula: =13000 + (ABS(A1) * (15000-13000) * (14000-13000))^0.5, where A1 is again the cell reference to the standard normal
Using excel to perform Monte Carlo simulations
Yes, a great change in the
deviate himself, yet nothing in the literature of the Mattachine Society and little of ONE is devoted to initiating and exploring this idea of necessary homosexual monogamy.
August, 1953: One magazine tackles the marriage issue
Everybody should be mindful of the single fact that we cannot
deviate from the basic principles of Islam.
Taliban leader says group will fight for Islam
The idea that firms deliberately
deviate from strategies that fit their environments, is not new.
Deviation from fit: an advantage when environments change
At the Bolles School, we believe that to survive you have to force the opponents to
deviate from their normal calls - go to things they had no intention of using.
Survival in the red zone
This paper argues that in certain situations the union may also have the incentive to unilaterally
deviate from the cooperative outcome.
Wage and employment negotiations between a union and a firm in a dynamic context
Thus, an individual who has invested time, energy, and resources into conforming to social norms and expectations (e.g., pursuing educational goals) are less likely to
deviate than someone who has not made such an investment.
Hirschi's Social Control Theory: A Sociological Perspective on Drug Abuse Among Persons with Disabilities
A judge can
deviate from the prescribed sentence if he or she writes an opinion explaining the reasons for the deviation.
Justice by the numbers; mandatory sentencing drove me from the bench
This allows total control over the melt zone process and enables operators to take immediate corrective action should the molten iron
deviate from preset melting parameters.
Plasma torch heats up interest in the cupola; General Motors Corp. and Westinghouse have teamed up to develop a cleaner, more efficient plasma melting system at GM's Central Foundry Div
INTRODUCTION Convenient methods for sampling from the exponential or Cauchy distributions are based on inversion of the distribution function F(x); if U is a (0, 1)-uniform
deviate then -ln U has the standard exponential distribution, and tan[pi](U - 0.5)) is Cauchy distributed.
Efficient table-free sampling methods for the exponential, cauchy, and normal distributions
The Philippines will not '
deviate from' an international tribunal ruling that rejected China's claim to almost all of the South China Sea but it must build trust with China before discussing 'sensitive' bilateral issues, Malacanang said on Monday.
PH to 'strictly adhere' to UN arbitral ruling
"The failure of global Zionism and the world arrogance in confronting the Islamic resistance face-to-face in Palestine and Lebanon has made them organize deviated streams in the form of Takfiri groups and fool a number of young Muslims to
deviate the public opinion from the Palestinian issue and nullify the great achievements of the Islamic Awakening," a statement issued at the end of the meeting said on Tuesday.
Int'l Islamic Awakening Confab in Iran Warns of Zionism, World Arrogance's Plots