
develop from (someone or something)

To grow and change from someone or something into someone or something else. Thanks to her public speaking class, Alicia has developed from a painfully shy girl into a confident speaker. My craft business developed from a passion for knitting.
See also: develop

develop from (someone or something) into (someone or something)

To grow and change from one kind of person or thing into someone or something new or different. Thanks to her public speaking class, Alicia has developed from a painfully shy girl into a confident speaker. My craft business has developed from a passion for knitting into my full-time source of income.
See also: develop

develop into (someone or something)

To grow and change from one kind of person or thing into someone or something new or different. Thanks to her public speaking class, Alicia has developed into a confident speaker. My passion for knitting has developed into my full-time source of income.
See also: develop

develop into (someone or something) from (someone or something)

To grow and change from one kind of person or thing into someone or something new or different. It's wild that this fern developed into such a big plant from just a tiny little seed. I look back on old photos of Jeff, and I find it hard to believe that he developed into such a strong, athletic young man from the scrawny little boy he used to be.
See also: develop
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • be/have done with somebody/something
  • be in line with (someone or something)
  • better of
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • begin with
  • begin with (someone or something)
  • bird has flown, the
  • beware of
  • beware of (someone or something)
  • be rough on (someone or something)
References in classic literature
The less the skill and exertion of strength implied in manual labour, in other words, the more modern industry becomes developed,the more is the labour of men superseded by that of women.
"The Rockefellers went into gas and electricity when those industries had developed to the safe investment stage.
For ages before, the ancestors of this first Galu may have developed from a Band-lu or Bo-lu egg without ever once completing the whole circle--that is from a Galu egg, back to a fully developed Galu.
For the finer artistic graces, also, and the structural subtilties of a more developed literary period, we must not, of course, look in 'Beowulf.' The narrative is often more dramatic than clear, and there is no thought of any minuteness of characterization.
Still pagan in spirit are certain obscure but, ingenious and skillfully developed riddles in verse, representatives of one form of popular literature only less early than the ballads and charms.
I will not, however, here give any instances, for I see hardly any way of distinguishing between the effects, on the one hand, of a part being largely developed through natural selection and another and adjoining part being reduced by this same process or by disuse, and, on the other hand, the actual withdrawal of nutriment from one part owing to the excess of growth in another and adjoining part.
This is the case with the male Ibla, and in a truly extraordinary manner with the Proteolepas: for the carapace in all other cirripedes consists of the three highly-important anterior segments of the head enormously developed, and furnished with great nerves and muscles; but in the parasitic and protected Proteolepas, the whole anterior part of the head is reduced to the merest rudiment attached to the bases of the prehensile antennae.
In the Meno the subject is more developed; the foundations of the enquiry are laid deeper, and the nature of knowledge is more distinctly explained.
The doctrines of immortality and pre-existence are carried further in the Phaedrus and Phaedo; the distinction between opinion and knowledge is more fully developed in the Theaetetus.
It was a habit he developed, of incubating and maturing his thought upon a subject, and of then rushing into the type-writer with it.
Summary: The Paris talks raise little hope of a consensus on climate change with developed nations remaining non-committal on cutting greenhouse gas emissions and developing nations refusing to give up.
Summary: The powerful OPEC cartel's top official on Tuesday called for the developed world to fund the fight against climate change, saying the developing world was not responsible for the current "mess".
The document entitled "Making Your Elephant Work for You" (read the forest industry is the size of an elephant) is a strategy that was developed after an agreement on seven basic concept[s.sup.1];
Strategies are also developed to complete the pricing process as efficiently as possible, as this is often the lengthiest component in adding large numbers of items to long-term contracts.