on parole
on parole
Released earlier from prison than one's sentence had mandated on condition of conforming to a set of specific legal requirements. You're on parole, Dan—if you get caught stealing, they'll send you straight back to prison! No thanks, man, I'm on parole—I have to pass a drug test with my parole officer every week.
See also: on
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
(out) on parole
out of prison, conditionally, before one's total sentence is served. Bob was caught using drugs while out on parole and was sent back to prison. He has to be careful and obey the law because he is out on parole.
See also: on
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
- at doorstep
- at (one's) doorstep
- at (one's) expense
- at expense
- at somebody's expense
- at someone's expense
- in keeping
- be in (one's) good graces
- (one's) day in court
- at the end of (one's) fingertips