red man

Related to red man: Red man syndrome
Note: This page may contain content that is offensive or inappropriate for some readers.

red man

An offensive term for a Native American, or Native Americans collectively.
See also: man, red
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • pillow-biter
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • (as) gay as a three-dollar bill
  • out of one's
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • #dead
  • exile (someone) to (some place)
  • be on the warpath
  • be/go on the warpath
References in periodicals archive
"My object in publishing the Red Mans Rebuke on the bark of the white birch tree, is out of loyalty to my own people....
The red man proposing signifies the new phase for couples while the green man represents men and women going hand in hand and having mutual support between each other.
KEY WORDS: Vancomycin; Glycopeptide; Red Man Syndrome
MarkWest Energy Partners, LP(NYSE: MWE), a natural gas gathering, processing and transportation company master limited partnership in the United States, has signed a pipe, valves and fittings supplier contract with McJunkin Red Man Corporation, a company that distributes pipes, valves, and fittings, as well as related products.
In this story about Finn MacCool, the traditional Irish hero, Finn does not realise what he's bringing upon himself when he sends word to the Scottish giant, Red Man, to come and fight him.
The green man only flashes when the lights are due to followed change to the red man.
The red man's bones; George Catlin, artist and showman.
Depp said: "It's always upset me: the idea of Tonto the Indian sidekick to the white man - the idea of the red man as lesser than the white man always bothered me.
A pile of juicy gems a coral red man and catty eyeliner can transform a basic blouse into a fries, pretty.
Indian Helper (and later the Red Man and the Red Man and Helper or the
The company's brands include General snus, Longhorn moist snuff, Red Man chewing tobacco, White Owl cigars, Cricket lighters and Fiat Lux matches.
The Lakota told Ziolkowski that they "would like the white man to know the red man has great heroes too." But sculpting a mountain requires both dynamiting and detailed carving, and 65 years into the project-which has accepted no government help--only the head has taken shape (see inset for full plan); Mt.
The festival will be a chance for dancehall fans to see the singer performing solo having previously been part of Suncycle where she worked alongside Infra Red Man, Gappy Ranx and Dolamite and Lante.
The second bike is described as a red man's Crusader mountain bike.
The point is, when you cross the road at a puffin crossing, you cannot see if the green man is still there, or if he has been replaced by the red man of doom.