pin back

pin back

To draw something back and out of the way with a fastener of some kind. A noun or pronoun can be used between "pin" and "back." Do you have a hair clip? I need to pin my bangs back. I need something to pin back the pages on this cookbook. It keeps flipping shut while I'm cooking.
See also: back, pin
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

pin something back

to hold something back by pinning. I will pin the curtains back to let a little more light in. Jane pinned back the curtains.
See also: back, pin
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • cut back
  • choke back
  • brush back
  • claw back
  • bring back
  • chop back
  • buck off
  • be/go back to square one
  • come back and see us
  • back to square one
References in periodicals archive
* Glue a pin back or clip to the back of the pumpkin to complete the project.
The party he was travelling with helped carry Pin back and took him to Choam Ksan District Referral Hospital, the source said.
Roll the firing pin back and forth on the flat to expose 360 degrees of the pin surface while tapping it repeatedly with the hammer.
The slide is moving so fast at firing the barrel is just barely starting to move down to unlock before the firing pin spring can jerk the tip of the pin back completely.
His plea for free Botox for life and surgery to pin back his ears would be laughable were this not a serious matter.
I was the first black cab driver in London to accept chip and pin back in 2004 and I will be the first to trial only accepting payment by Barclays Pingit."
She was going to get the pin back before it was too late.
Another single pin back was Abdulredha Haqiqi, also of Maintenance, who occupied third position.
London, Aug 12 (ANI): Soccer star Jermaine Pennant might have denied reports of undergoing a surgery to pin back his stretched-out ears, but now it has emerged that he actually resorted to a three-hour plastic surgery to fix them in proper place.
Doormen were forced to pin back Lee James Foster when he lost control on December 21, the day notoriously known as "Black Friday" among the emergency services.
Plus there are countless tales of glue being used for tummy tucks and to pin back ears.
With the rig under so much tension, there is no way of banging the pin back in place.
Ducat, a 56-year-old civil engineer who has staged attention-grabbing stunts in the past, put the pin back in a grenade, handed it to provincial governor, Luis Sing-son, and surrendered as Mr Singson held his arm.