Specimens with missing or illegible patient information are rejected and have to be
re-collected, which contributes to additional work for healthcare personnel and subsequent delays in testing.
Benefits of an instrument-compatible capillary blood collection microtube
Gradually we begin to re-collect our projections; "then at last comes that merciful moment when reflection is possible, when there is a reversal of the stream of energy, which now flows away from the object or the idea and toward oneself or, better still, toward the Self" (von Franz, 1980, p.
Once we become aware of the source of those projections, we are in a good position to make a conscious choice of whether, and how, to re-collect them or not.
Those are projections that one might choose to keep at a distance rather than to re-collect.
Immanent transcendence, projection and re-collection
Though "The Raven" disseminates outwards and dissolves into the work of many writers of the period, many more than I have named, critics like Ingram and Allen
re-collect Poe and use, rather incongruently, a tracing of sources to emphasize Poe's superiority: his surplus, his inexplicable gain.
Outsourcing "The Raven": retroactive origins
The shot can be deleted and
re-collected in the field-instant QA.)
Quality assurance procedures ensure an accurate stormwater GIS
And she notes the different uses they made of the `cultural capital' into which they bought: some hanging masterpieces in the halls where they banquetted; some donating `improving' pictures to the nation; some, as the Aesthetic Movement got under way, constructing hidden nests of Beauty--for which the artists provided decor as well as objects d'art--in which they could
re-collect their tone, away :from the rattle of the counting-houses.
Art and the Victorian Middle Class: Money and the Making of Cultural Identity
And in writing poetry one must do the same thing--one must observe (or re-observe,
re-collect)--every concrete detail of your subject, whether or not you ultimately include all of them in the poem.
Interview with Denise Levertov
Symptoms crack through the hardened facades of `health', that mesh of habitual attitudes, assumptions, and successful behaviours that can so easily steer us off course from ourselves...we would lose ourselves altogether if it were not for our stubborn, irrepressible symptoms, calling us, requiring us, to
re-collect ourselves and reorient ourselves to life.
Guilt as a chronic illness
In that way, if a physician intends to send a specimen and does not do so, at least the lab has early warning that a specimen is missing and can notify the physician's office in time to recover the missing material or
re-collect it if possible.
Lost specimens
An organization does not need to
re-collect personal information; however, it must obtain consent to continue using or disclosing that information no matter how long ago it was collected.
Protecting privacy in Canada's private sector: businesses that are serious about competing successfully in Canada need to get serious about privacy. They can start by complying with Canada's new private-sector privacy legislation
Cornell's ethical mourners become chiffoniers as they re-collect the traces of the "Other," gathering and re-membering fragments of identities.
The reader must parody herself, and resign herself to the task of recollecting the remains of Others so that she can re-collect her own "self."
Re-membering America: Phyllis Wheatley's intertextual epic
Similarly, poor quality in the laboratory - the need to repeat tests,
re-collect specimens, issue corrected reports, recalibrate assays - can be financially accounted for in terms of the expenses of poor quality.
Quality of care calls for joy and compassion