pearl necklace

pearl necklace

vulgar slang A term for the spots of semen left on a woman's neck and chest after a man ejaculates between her breasts.
See also: pearl
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • rackage
  • tit(s)-man
  • knockers
  • chism
  • cones
  • boobage
  • bazoongies
  • bezongas
  • skeet-shooting
References in classic literature
Sir Leicester glancing, with magnificent displeasure, at the rouge and the pearl necklace.
As to Volumnia, she is handed down the great staircase by Sir Leicester, as eloquent upon the theme as if there were a general rising in the north of England to obtain her rouge-pot and pearl necklace. And thus, with a clatter of maids and valets--for it is one appurtenance of their cousinship that however difficult they may find it to keep themselves, they MUST keep maids and valets--the cousins disperse to the four winds of heaven; and the one wintry wind that blows to-day shakes a shower from the trees near the deserted house, as if all the cousins had been changed into leaves.
But she is a little dreaded elsewhere in consequence of an indiscreet profusion in the article of rouge and persistency in an obsolete pearl necklace like a rosary of little bird's-eggs.
Perched on the copper man's shoulder sat a yellow hen, with fluffy feathers and a pearl necklace around her throat.
He opened the jewel-case, and took from it a magnificent pearl necklace in an antique setting.
The pearl necklace and bracelets which I inherited from mama, have been disposed of for less than half their value; and the set of coral, which was the wedding gift of my papa, has been actually thrown away for nothing.
In her soft grey dinner-gown, her brown hair smoothly brushed back, a pearl necklace around her long, delicate neck, she seemed to him a very exquisite embodiment of those memories which he had been carrying about throughout the afternoon.
I set myself out, too, as well as a widow's dress in second mourning would admit; my governess also furnished me with a good pearl necklace, that shut in behind with a locket of diamonds, which she had in pawn; and I had a very good figure; and as I stayed till I was sure they were come, I came in a coach to the door, with my maid with me.
The steam-yacht, built in the Clyde, and fitted with tiled bath-rooms and other unheard-of luxuries, was said to have cost him half a million; and the pearl necklace which he had presented to his wife on his return was as magnificent as such expiatory offerings are apt to be.
The fact is, he had given her a very small portion of the brilliants; a pretty diamond clasp, which confined a pearl necklace which she wore--and the Baronet had omitted to mention the circumstance to his lady.
Traversing the long and matted gallery, I descended the slippery steps of oak; then I gained the hall: I halted there a minute; I looked at some pictures on the walls (one, I remember, represented a grim man in a cuirass, and one a lady with powdered hair and a pearl necklace), at a bronze lamp pendent from the ceiling, at a great clock whose case was of oak curiously carved, and ebon black with time and rubbing.
"Seriously, then, you want that portrait--the golden hair, the purple satin, the pearl necklace, the two magnificent arms?"
They included: A gold collar style necklace from India, a silver necklace, a pearl necklace, an Italian murano glass necklace, a semi-precious lace style necklace with blue stones, earrings with blue stones, a gold necklace with crystals, a gold women's wrist watch, and an engraved gold compact mirror.
She teamed her outfit with matching nail varnish and an elegant pearl necklace, finishing her look with black heels.
Investigating officer DC Jade Bennett at Caernarfon CID said "During a search warrant in Holyhead an old, brown suitcase was seized containing a number of books and a pearl necklace which we strongly believe to