"What happened to him?" asked the
owner, with an air of considerable resignation.
Count of Monte Cristo
I have known of still other cases in which the former slaves have assisted in the education of the descendants of their former
owners. I know of a case on a large plantation in the South in which a young white man, the son of the former
owner of the estate, has become so reduced in purse and self-control by reason of drink that he is a pitiable creature; and yet, notwithstanding the poverty of the coloured people themselves on this plantation, they have for years supplied this young white man with the necessities of life.
Up From Slavery
As it was, the place was a zoo, and free at that; for, in addition to the animals he owned and trained and bought and sold, a large portion of the business was devoted to boarding trained animals and troupes of animals for
owners who were out of engagements, or for estates of such
owners which were in process of settlement.
Michael Brother of Jerry
Besides, suppose your worship should never see the lady, nor give it her--and, though your worship looks and talks very much like a gentleman, yet I have only your worship's bare word; and, certainly, if the right
owner ben't to be found, it all belongs to the first finder.
The History of Tom Jones a Foundling
After all these years I am still confident that excavations which I have neither the legal right to undertake nor the wealth to make would disclose the secret of the disappearance of my unhappy friend, and possibly of the former occupants and
owners of the deserted and now destroyed house.
Present At A Hanging And Other Ghost Stories
They had several children, and lived unmolested until the original
owner died, when his heir attempted to regain them; but the magistrate before whom they were brought, decided that he had no jurisdiction in the case.
American Notes for General Circulation
Two or three, including the
owner, sprawled in the cockpit, shuddering when the yacht lifted and raced and sank dizzily into the trough, and between-whiles regarding the shore with yearning eyes.
Tales of the Fish Patrol
Pinocchio went to the
owner of a circus, who wanted to teach him to do tricks for his audiences.
Adventures Of Pinocchio
"It will give me great pleasure, sir," said the
Owner of a Silver Mine, "to serve one so closely allied to me in - in - well, you know," he added, with a significant gesture of his two hands upward from the sides of his head.
Fantastic Fables
Well, the first Caswall in our immediate record is an Edgar, head of the family and
owner of the estate, who came into his kingdom just about the time that George III.
Lair of the White Worm
Besides the plunderers, very various people, some drawn by curiosity, some by official duties, some by self-interest- house
owners, clergy, officials of all kinds, tradesmen, artisans, and peasants- streamed into Moscow as blood flows to the heart.
War and Peace
"It shall be so," said he of the Rueful Countenance, "and I am very glad that thou art willing to rely on my courage, which will never fail thee, even though the soul in thy body fail thee; so come on now behind me slowly as well as thou canst, and make lanterns of thine eyes; let us make the circuit of this ridge; perhaps we shall light upon this man that we saw, who no doubt is no other than the
owner of what we found."
Don Quixote
Being a slave
owner and like other slave
owners a politician, he was naturally an original secessionist and ardently devoted to the Southern cause.
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge
Gift, in one case, makes it as really the new
owner's, as labor made it the first
owner's: in the other case, of patrimony, the law makes an ownership which will be valid in each man's view according to the estimate which he sets on the public tranquillity.
Essays Second Series
Ut was savun' money on lighters tull the
owner, an' I gave ut tull hum.
The Strength of the Strong