no expense is spared

no expense is spared

As much money as necessary is spent to do something the best or most extravagant way possible. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. This is our company's 50th anniversary celebration, so no expense will be spared! Wow, their parents threw a great dinner party. You could tell that no expense was spared.
See also: expense, no, spare
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • spare no expense
  • spare no expense/pains/trouble doing something
  • chip
  • chips
  • mi
  • up on (one's) ear
  • do-re-me
  • do-re-mi
  • Two Bob
  • (as) dead as mutton
References in periodicals archive
It should not wash with public opinion that there should be domestic squalor but at the same time no expense is spared in order to maintain Britain as a world power.
I am not defending the car tax evasion, nor do I blame the police - they are under orders, but it does seem that when the victim is the Government, and no expense is spared to catch the offender, the term car-crime takes on a whole new sinister meaning!