The Severn tidal barrage is not allowed in the
NIMBY scenario because in this storyline, it is perceived as a negative direct impact on the community.
Modelling socio-environmental sensitivities: how public responses to low carbon energy technologies could shape the UK energy system
Similarly, we expect members of
NIMBY movements to construct discourses that present their members as victims, while depicting immigrants and their allies as villains or abusers of the space, services, and "rights" of legal and cultural citizenry of the United States.
Whose backyard? Boundary making in NIMBY opposition to immigrant services
Le present article cherche a degager differentes approches du syndrome
NIMBY a partir d'une revue des ecrits.
The NIMBY syndrome and the health of communities
The article seems to be sticking up for the greatly misunderstood middle-class
NIMBY. While I have no doubt that the planning system should involve as many people as possible in its deliberations, a concentration on those who don't know how to play the game or work the system is particularly valid.
Leni Marin, the national program director on immigration at the Family Violence Prevention Fund, says "It's easy to see that there's a xenophobic feeling, and a
NIMBY mentality that doesn't take into reality the diversity of New York, being protective of the neighborhood by saying that these are outsiders who don't look like us so we need to keep them out." Marin adds, "I worry about any incident that pits the interests of a community against the need to provide safe haven to fight domestic violence."
Locals turn on Asian women's shelter
There is a racial subtext to this, as to other
NIMBY protests.
Repairing the carpet of community: housing is about people--not just bricks, maintains a trail-blazing housing non-profit organization in Richmond, Virginia. Mary Lean discovers how giving people the best can transform no-go areas
Simple enough, until the citizenry shouts "
NIMBY!" To minimize the not in-my-backyard attitude, many city planners require new wireless towers to blend into the natural or urban landscape.
Cell towers in stealth mode
MAY I be allowed to mediate in the immigration argument between the
NIMBY (not in my back yard) and the liberal (don't say a word or you're a racist) camps?
YOUR VIEWS: We can't let them all stay
NIMBY ("not in my backyard") syndrome has long frustrated the efforts of policy makers, land use planners, and developers to site locally undesirable but socially beneficial facilities.
Mandating negotiations to solve the NIMBY problem: a creative regulatory response
DAVID TAYLOR is doubtless aware of the term
NIMBY - Not-in-my-back-yard.
MOST OF US HAVE KNOWN about activities or projects to which we would have declared "Not in my backyard!" -- the
NIMBY phenomena.
Yes, in my back yard. (Commentary)
* In a country filled with
NIMBY (not in my back yard) syndrome, building a new supermarket or shopping center isn't as easy as it used to be.
Building bridges. (Real estate/development)
NIMBY ("not in my back yard") comes into play when either inexpensive housing for middle- or lower-income folk or very expensive palatial structures creep into the area.
More affluent subdivisions in the area ran up the
NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) flag immediately.
Dream houses
The report by Piat, "The
NIMBY Phenomenon: Listening to Community Residents' Concerns about Developing Housing for Deinstitutionalized People," is a very stimulating and challenging piece of qualitative research.
Another Look at the NIMBY Phenomenon