a gong show

a gong show

A wild, chaotic, ridiculous, or disastrous event. Sometimes written as "gongshow." From the 1976–1978 television show The Gong Show, an amateur talent contest in which judges would end particularly bad acts by striking a giant gong. Primarily heard in Canada. Did you go to that party last night? What a gong show! A: "How do you think you did on your exam?" B: "It was a total gongshow. I'll be lucky if I even passed."
See also: gong, show
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • gong
  • gong (one)
  • gonged
  • stand up and be counted
  • show the way
  • get the show on the road
  • get this show on the road
  • show (one) out
  • show out
  • show someone out
References in periodicals archive
It will be a long time yet before any of these hopefuls becomes a household name or even gets a paid 15-minute slot but what a gong show lacks in polish it makes up for in car-crash entertainment value.