
give (one) pause

To cause one to take a moment to consider something; to cause one to hesitate. I'd love to buy a house, but the fact that I'd have to completely deplete my savings account to do it gives me pause. That statistic should give everyone pause.
See also: give, pause

give (one) pause for thought

To cause one to take a moment to consider something. I'd love to buy a house, but the fact that I'd have to completely deplete my savings account to do it gives me pause for thought.
See also: give, pause, thought

give pause to (one)

To cause one to take a moment to consider something. I'd love to buy a house, but the fact that I'd have to completely deplete my savings account to do it gives pause to me.
See also: give, pause

pause for effect

To pause while speaking so as to make one's delivery more dramatic or impactful. I paused for effect before telling my family that I got the promotion. Beaming, Rachel paused for effect before shrieking, "We're engaged!"
See also: effect, pause

pregnant pause

A long pause in speech that indicates a lot of meaning or significance. There was a pregnant pause when the topic changed to Grandpa's will, and everyone could tell that something shocking was about to be revealed. The most telling part of his speech was the pregnant pause before he denied any wrongdoing.
See also: pause, pregnant

pregnant silence

A long pause in speech that indicates a lot of meaning or significance. There was a pregnant silence when the topic changed to Grandpa's will, and everyone could tell that something shocking was about to be revealed. The most telling part of his speech was the pregnant silence before he denied any wrongdoing.
See also: pregnant, silence
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

give someone pause (for thought)

Fig. to cause someone to stop and think. When I see a golden sunrise, it gives me pause for thought. Witnessing an accident is likely to give all of us pause.
See also: give, pause
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

give pause

Cause one to hesitate, as in The high monthly installment payments gave me pause, or, as Shakespeare put it in Hamlet (3:1): "For in that sleep of death what dreams may come ... Must give us pause." [c. 1600]
See also: give, pause
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

give pause to someone (or give someone pause (for thought)

cause someone to think carefully or hesitate before doing something.
See also: give, pause, someone

a pregnant pause (or silence)

a pause or silence that is laden with meaning or significance.
See also: pause, pregnant
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

give (somebody) pause for ˈthought


give (somebody) ˈpause

(formal) make somebody think seriously about something or hesitate before doing something: His remarks on the conditions in our prisons gave me pause for thought. Until that moment I’d never realized things were so bad.
See also: give, pause, thought

a pregnant ˈpause/ˈsilence

a pause/silence in which everyone is waiting or listening for something, or a moment of silence which is full of meaning: There was a pregnant pause while everyone waited to hear what she had to say.
See also: pause, pregnant, silence
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

give pause to, to

To stop temporarily; to hesitate; to hold back in order to reflect. This term, too, comes from Shakespeare, from Hamlet’s famous soliloquy on death (3.1), “For in that sleep of death what dreams may come . . . must give us pause.” Eric Partridge said it has been a cliché since the mid-nineteenth century.
See also: give, pause
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • give (one) pause
  • give pause
  • go to (one's) head
  • go to head
  • go to one's head
  • go to your head
  • make (one) sweat
  • give (one) a rough ride
  • have/give somebody a rough/an easy ride
  • have no cause to (do something)
References in periodicals archive
In the ideal situation, a scatterplot of pause duration against previous syllable rate would look something like Fig.
3.3.1 Sociolinguistic interpretation of pause duration
Skates often bent themselves defensively into a ring or ball, which caused them to land upside down during winnowing, but in calm conditions, they could be active in seeking escape and 25 skates did so during one monitored 15-min pause. No escapes were witnessed during the two monitored unpaused retrievals and winnowing was prevented by the constant backpressure.
Pause and reflect, followed by 30 seconds of silence,
Standardized global pause frequency = (Raw global pause frequency/ event time (seconds)) * 3600 (seconds) Interval analysis of pauses
"The pause aligns with guidance from the chief of naval operations to ensure we are taking all appropriate measures to enhance Fifth Fleet's safe and effective operations.
Strive for clear attacks, play slowly, (repeat note if necessary), hold high note, wait for muscle tension, pause after each segment then (2,1,1&2) (longer Pause) :-) :-0 :-)
"The experience of previous humanitarian pauses showed that assurances of UN representatives about 'preliminary' agreements with militants in Aleppo are just words," he added.
Peskov didn't mention any timeframe for the pause nor when the airstrikes may be resumed in Aleppo.
GENEVA, Aug 18 (KUNA) -- The UN Special Envoy for Syria Stafan de Mistura on Thursday welcomed the positive response by the Russian Federation to his proposal for a 48-hour humanitarian pause in hostilities in Aleppo city, north Syria.
D3 Linux, version 10.2.0, includes a new capability for D3 administrators to pause and resume database write activity on disk, with a defined timeout, after which write activity will automatically resume.
Hollinger also says that, many times, the deliberate pause helps get her creative juices flowing.
As speakers, we learn that the impact of humor is heightened by how you say it, what you do when you say it and how you use silence...the pause. The pause adds punch to the punch line!
AN inquiry will be held into the controversial decision to 'pause' work on the electrification of the trans-Pennine rail route.
Welcoming the announcement by the Saudi-led Coalition of a unilateral five-day humanitarian pause in Yemen, U.N.