A descriptive study monitored the development of 53 preschoolers' mathematical
patterning skills in two similar preschools, one of which implemented a 6-month intervention promoting
patterning concepts.
Promoting repeating patterns with young children--more than just alternating colours! Marina Papic explains how experiences in the early years of schooling should focus on identifying, justifying and transferring various patterns using a variety of materials if a sound understanding of patterning is to develop in students
So even at Utopia Planitia, hidden ice could still be
patterning the Martian landscape.
Patterns from nowhere: natural forces bring order to untouched ground
Samuel Daniel describes the first dance of the twelve goddesses in his masque from 1604, a dance which took place in "the midst of the hall," as "being performed with great majesty and art, consisting of divers strains framed into motions circular, square, triangular, with other proportions exceeding rare and full of variety."(93) In Hymenaei (1606) and Masque of Queens (1609) the dancers formed both geometric patterns and alphabetic figures.(94) In the text of one of the songs in the masque, The Vision of Delight (1617) the dances are described as "curious knots and mazes"(95) thus indicating that not only were these dances ones with geometrical
patterning, but that the same words were used to describe both the dance patterns and the patterns used in the formal gardens.
Dance and the Garden: Moving and Static Choreography in Renaissance Europe
A Vision (for W.B.), 1996, is a collage that luxuriates in the musicality of visual
patterning. Engraved cloud forms, mists, light rays, and swirling radiances are arranged in stripes and squares.
Bruce Conner
They had expected that spinodal dewetting should produce an ordered
patterning of holes in liquid polystyrene-on-silicon films, which have been popular for studying the process.
To Bead or Not to Bead?
Patterning activities are a staple of the kindergarten curriculum.
What comes next? The mathematics of pattern in kindergarten