out of earshot

out of earshot

Far enough away that one is not able to hear what someone else says or does. My parents never bothered to be out of earshot when they were fighting, so I always knew exactly what was going on in their marriage.
See also: earshot, of, out
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

out of earshot

Fig. too far from the source of a sound to hear the sound. I was out of earshot and could not hear the conversation. Mary waited until her children were out of earshot before mentioning the presents she got them.
See also: earshot, of, out
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

out of ˈearshot (of somebody/something)

too far away to hear somebody/something or to be heard: We waited until Ted was safely out of earshot before discussing it.
See also: earshot, of, out
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • move within earshot
  • in earshot
  • within earshot
  • come within earshot
  • earshot
  • motion (someone) to the side
  • hear (one) loud and clear
  • hear from
  • hear from (one)
  • motion aside
References in classic literature
Gray and I were sitting together at the far end of the block house, to be out of earshot of our officers consulting; and Gray took his pipe out of his mouth and fairly forgot to put it back again, so thunder-struck he was at this occurrence.
The sun might blaze overhead, the air be without a breath, the surface smooth and blue, but still these great rollers would be running along all the external coast, thundering and thundering by day and night; and I scarce believe there is one spot in the island where a man would be out of earshot of their noise.
When they were out of earshot, he said to the vizir, "There must be something very odd to make that man act so--I should like to find out what is the reason.
But in spite of the brilliant sunlight and the green fans of the trees waving in the soothing sea-breeze, the world was a confusion, blurred with drifting black and red phantasms, until I was out of earshot of the house in the chequered wall.
Rachel, when she was sure they were out of earshot. "Dora is so womanly and helpful, and Davy is developing into a very smart boy.
For ten minutes I had watched her talking earnestly with the engineer, and now, with a sign for silence, I drew her out of earshot of the helmsman.
It seems to me that certain ministers have not got the courage of their convictions because on a one-to-one basis reluctantly they are agreeing with Theresa May, then out of earshot they either disagree with what they have decided or even resign.
However, her parting shot was "You should have got your carer to do that!" I had to smile because I think she was out of earshot when I replied, "But I AM the carer!" Barbara MacArthur (86), Cathays, Cardiff
We were out of earshot but in all my 71 years I have never heard such a response.
It is claimed the threats were made out of earshot of the judge after people had been escorted from the courtroom by security staff.
Thankfully the United goalkeeper was out of earshot when the supposedly star-struck woman turned to her friend who had taken the picture and said: "Who was that?"
He said: "Normally, you'll get, 'Thanks for your support', and the second they're out of earshot they go completely ballistic.
But before Peter was even out of earshot, young James turned to his mum, looking bemused and confused, and said: "Who was he?"
Across the eighty-foot span of the installation, sounds moved in and out of earshot, were remembered and anticipated, and, at either end, merged with noises from neighboring rooms.
Admittedly, it is hard to be dispassionate when someone has their foot on your head, but a prudent student would keep his opinions to himself until out of earshot or, failing that, in possession of pepper spray to cover the retreat.