

slang A crude, boorish, typically unintelligent or backwards-thinking person, especially a man. Often left uncapitalized in writing. A reference to the species of archaic humans that went extinct roughly 40,000 years ago. There are always a couple of neanderthals who whistle lewdly at me as I walk by the construction site on my way home from work. Get your hands off of me, you Neanderthal!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a large and ugly male. (see also caveman, cromagnon.) Tell that neanderthal to get out of here.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • musclehead
  • meathead
  • slow study
  • poophead
  • drool bucket
  • cock
  • poohead
  • know the time of day
  • not know the time of day
References in periodicals archive
* They made jewelry 6 As it turns out, Neanderthals also had flair for looking luxurious, or at the very least, fashionable.
Dr Aida Gomez-Robles (UCL Anthropology), said: "Any divergence time between Neanderthals and modern humans younger than 800,000 years ago would have entailed an unexpectedly fast dental evolution in the early Neanderthals from Sima de los Huesos."
The researchers were able to show that both the individual in question as well as Neanderthals in general had a curved lumbar region and neck - just like the humans of today.
Experts uncovered an unusually high proportion of these written into the genetic code of Neanderthals, who died out around 40,000 years ago.
But, finding abrupt climate change was just one part of the work and the team still had to determine its effect on the Neanderthal population.
But just because scientists knew that Denisovan and Neanderthal hybrids must have existed sometime in the past didn't mean they expected to find one.
Neanderthals had a slightly different body structure from a modern human being.
In voicing the experiences of such disparate women, The Last Neanderthal is a powerfully feminist work.
In 2010, the team published evidence from the site of Cueva AntAaAaAeAen Spain that provided unambiguous evidence for symbolism among Neanderthals. Putting that evidence in context and using the latest radiometric techniques to date the site, researchers show that Cueva AntAaAaAeAen is the most rece known Neanderthal site, according to the press statement.
One of the last Neanderthals, Girl understands that every step of a hunt affects not only her family but also the animals that surround them.
The head of the archeological team in Mazandaran, Hamed Vahdati-Nasab, told the Mehr news agency, "The cultural material providing evidence of a Neanderthal settlement was discovered when an archeology student from Marlik College of Noshahr was strolling in the mountains in the vicinity of Bandpey."
Writing for general readers interested in science, Paabo recounts his 30-year effort to sequence the genome of Neanderthal Man and explains what he discovered about the hotly debated relationship between Neanderthals and the early humans who lived in the same regions for thousands of years.
WASHINGTON -- Next time you call someone a Neanderthal, better look in a mirror.
The first Neanderthal skeleton recovered was a child's skull excavated in late 1829 or early 1830, estimated to be four to six years old at the age of death, although the discovery was only recognized about a century later.
The Neanderthals Rediscovered: How Modern Science is Rewriting Their Story is an in-depth assessment of the history of prehistoric research on the Neanderthal, long seen as humanity's stupid cousin.