Buoyed by a list of more than 700 local companies and individuals who consider themselves part of the natural-products sector,
Naturally Boulder Day offered four workshops designed for both new and growing businesses.
Only in Boulder ... naturally
A candidate gene to test this hypothesis has been found, and a future study will examine expression of this gene in IVF- and
naturally conceived children.
Study: IVF children are taller, have better lipid profiles
naturally acquired quotidian-type malaria in man transferable to monkeys.
Naturally acquired Plasmodium knowlesi malaria in human, Thailand
The fact that HIV grows best in the cells
naturally programmed to recognize it may explain why therapeutic vaccines have been unable to induce a lasting HIV-specific CD4 response--since the cells are activated and do not live long, and fail to produce memory cells (which are not activated and normally can live for years, ready to protect against a particular virus or other disease-causing organism if it is seen again).
HIV treatment and immunology research: current ideas
In the case of foods
naturally low in fat, the term "
naturally" may be used as a prefix to this claim.
Naturally Grown is not meant to be in competition with the USDA program.
Organic alternative. (dear mother)
Molders have often responded by limiting themselves to molds of low cavitation because they are easiest to balance
naturally. But low cavitation requires more molds, more machines, more floor space for the machines, and more people to run them.
New Runner - Design Concept Boosts Quality & Productivity
Department of Agriculture's new Dietary Guidelines even urge consumers to "limit intake of beverages and foods that are high in added sugars." Yet current labeling regulations make it impossible to differentiate what is added from what is present
Just Say No to Added Sugar, Yes to Petition
To work as communication, hand gestures must be expressed
naturally. Although the woman in our first example may be fully conscious of the camera, her hand gesture falls
naturally into place.
Capturing Feelings on Film: Natural Gestures Work Best
They are made
naturally, by the body, and can affect us in far-reaching ways.
Pills, Patches, and Shots: Can Hormones Prevent Aging?
The impact of older persons' preferences to age in place and to live in age- integrated settings has given rise to a newly recognized phenomenon called NORCs, or "
Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities." These communities are generally defined as neighborhoods or housing developments not built specifically for retirement or senior housing, but in which aging in place has
naturally resulted in creating a majority of the residents aged 60 or over.
NORC Programs: '99 was critical, 2000 is the promise
To avoid the price dips and the use of hazardous chemicals, the elder Peters decided to start producing
naturally grown coffee.
A Healthy Jolt
The categories
naturally change as the topic turns to Middle English verse: the aspects of poetic diction discussed in chapter 6 are compounding, affixation, lexical conversion, blends, loans, aureation, and poetic vocabulary, while the formal features treated in chapter 7 are rhyme, alliteration, the metrical effects of some phonological and syntactic variables (e.g., final -e and types of the genitive), some syntactic options unavailable in Present-Day English (e.g., the use of the perfect in simple preterite contexts), parataxis, and formulaic diction.
The Language of Old and Middle English Poetry
"In the prohibitionist case," Sullivan begins, "the argument goes something like this: Homosexuality is a choice." People are
naturally heterosexual but somewhere along the line fall into sin.
Virtually Normal: An Argument About Homosexuality
Naturally, I had to see what kind of pepper this woman was shaking, so I got into the game, too, and watched her go to work.
Mississippi Red