

1. noun Someone who acts as an informer or spy for an authority figure, especially law enforcement. The FBI offered to let me avoid jail time if I agreed to be a nark for them. I can't believe you told Mom and Dad! Why do you have to be such a nark?
2. verb To act as an informer or spy for an authority figure. It turned out that she had been narking on the cartel for years. Don't nark on them, Tommy—no one likes a snitch!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and narc (nɑrk)
1. n. a police informer. Fred is a nark. He squealed.
2. in. to inform (on someone) to the police; to squeal. (Often with on.) Don’t nark on me!
3. tv. to annoy someone. (see also narked.) Stop narking me!
4. n. any unpleasant person. Tell that narc to get lost.


mod. annoyed. (Usually with at or with.) He’s really narked at us.
See also: nark
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • narked
  • junk
  • Junk it!
  • bummer
  • angle
  • angling
  • juice
  • juiced
  • feebee
  • feeby
References in periodicals archive
Whenever there is a big show in Liverpool, Nark in the Park always seems to get a mention.
Prepare for the end His doctor had said As poor Uncle Jim Lay there in his bed With most of his family Around in the gloom Little Aunt Jessie Came into the room She felt Uncle Jim's feet It surprised her a lot Instead of being cold They were really quite hot This man isn't dying She shouted quite strong No-one died with hot feet So the doctor is wrong Up jumped Uncle Ted The family nark "But Aunt Jessie" he said "What about Joan of Arc" by Doug Sharkey, Birkenhead.
wall near the body was the message: "Die you f*** nark."
Is it the same tune repeated, or am I just a nark? O it's great to be in England, summer weather is such fun, It can rain and blow in Blackpool while Scarborough has sun.
Down: 1 Goldfish; 2 Beg; 3 Hello; 4 Certain; 5 Iran; 6 Sump; 7 Slot; 11 Nark; 12 Hero; 13 Grandeur; 15 Elapsed; 18 Lodge; 19 Safe; 20 Ages; 21 Lama; 24 Rev.
And Andy Holligan was stopped twice in six months - albeit the first time to the legendary Julio Cesar Chavez - before bouncing back to put a run of wins together and earning the right to challenge Shea Neary in the 'Nark in the Park' back in 1998.
Quinn moved to the Bluebirds fo r pounds 30 0, 00 0 a nd t he La nark s hire club's patience has snapped as they demanded immediate payme nt t h ro ug h a s t ate ment on their website.
ALMOST as shocking as the realisation that the lovely Lonsdale Belt can be treated as a boxing bauble, is the realisation that Andy Holligan and Shea Neary's Nark in the Park was a full 11 years ago this week.
Starved of a genuine boxing venue for more than two decades, the ECHO Arena show will be the most significant bill in the city since John Hyland's legendary Nark in the Park.
Don't be a sheep, on the streets or the park So go out with your pals, not as a nark.
She has now become a sort of copper's nark, an "if you're innocent, what have you got to hide ?" type of Sun reader approach to identity cards, national DNA databases, and a microphones in every house approach to the security state.
The bar-room nark sits Upon his stool, Pointing and criticising The bar-room fool.
The story of the Nark in the Park is just one of many absorbing anecdotes contained in a splendid collection.
That would really nark Jose Mourinho and their supporters, no matter what he says to the contrary.