The last potential reason for midcomment silencing is that the student's comment is
off topic. Here, there is an immediate flaw in the teacher's logic: The teacher may interpret the student's comment as being
off topic when the student actually simply is struggling to put connection into words.
Limiting student speech: a narrow path toward success
He was delightfully
off topic and regaled the audience with tales of his awkward social interactions and life growing up.
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What do you do when the discussion goes too far
off topic?
Staying on the same page; Book club leaders need to rein in talkers
Off Topic has blossomed from a simple art project to a budding enterprise
When East meets the Emirates
Lemons to Lemonade: Resolving Problems in Meetings, Workshops, and PLCs is for any educator who wants to improve meetings, and tells how to facilitate discussions, keep them on track, and handle everything from people who constantly get
off topic to those who use the meetings to complain or waste time.
Lemons to Lemonade
I was mostly on the East Central board, then one day backed into
Off Topic. For some reason I got along with all, including the nuts.
Frequent forum flyer
During his NAFCU conference breakout session on mergers immediately following Matz's speech, former NCUA Board Member Dennis Dollar broke
off topic and expressed both his support for, and opposition to, the coming rule.
Matz unmasks new details of risk-based capital rule
Off Topic - When typical news stories become atypical…
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Dealing with an enthusiastic expert or rambler who goes
off topic? Create a parking lot to capture off-topic ideas, establish guidelines and time limits for participant presentations and discussions, pose close-ended questions, and avoid body language that encourages lengthy conversations.
The trainer's conundrum: increasing participation while saving time
Still other Hadoop jobs for machine learning are triggered when curators mark articles as on topic or
off topic.
Design and deployment of a personalized news service
I am also very grateful to all my sources who had the patience to answer my questions even when some of them were
off topic. I think I have been able to report objectively and accurately on issues and I am proud of my record at the Economist.
My swansong
On One2four, a student nurse threw in her 5c, slightly
off topic (but that's social media for you): Hey Julia start paying our future RNs for their training in the hospitals ...
What you "liked" on facebook this month
Post meaningful, respectful comments: no spam, no remarks that are
off topic or offensive.
Rules of the road
He seldom meandered
off topic; however, he had a unique way of infusing his words with cozy confidentiality.
By the numbers
There are enough supercars and Gucci-clad teenagers in the country to prove that UAE residents have a spending problem (we hate to go
off topic, but has anyone noticed a rise in 'gangsta'-style mall rats dressed in Versace, calling each other homies and the n-word?).
Paint a picture of UAE residents