
  • (as) clear as mud
  • (as) happy as a pig in mud
  • (one's) name is mud
  • a stick-in-the-mud
  • an old stick in the mud
  • as clear as mud
  • be as clear as mud
  • be dragged through the mud
  • Bottoms up!
  • clear as mud
  • drag (one's) name through the mud
  • fling mud
  • fling mud at (one)
  • fling/sling/throw mud
  • Here’s mud in your eye
  • here's mud in your eye
  • here's mud in your eye!
  • muck-raking
  • mud duck
  • mud out
  • mud sticks
  • my name is mud
  • name is mud, one's
  • one's name is mud
  • sling mud
  • sling mud at
  • sling mud at (one)
  • someone's name is mud
  • stick in the mud
  • stick in the mud, old
  • stick-in-the-mud
  • throw enough mud at the wall, some of it will stick
  • throw enough mud, and some will stick
  • throw mud
  • throw mud at (one)
  • throw mud enough, and some will stick
  • track (something) all over
  • track (something) into (some place)
  • track in
  • your name is mud
  • your, his, etc. name is mud
References in classic literature
The boat, which I judged a small skiff from the quick stroke of the oars, was landing in the mud about fifty yards up the beach.
Any place was safer than the island, and I turned instinctively to the water, or rather to the mud. As he began to flounder ashore through the mud, I started to flounder out into it, going over the same course which the Chinese had taken in landing me and in returning to the junk.
"But Lors ha' massy, how did you get near such mud as that?" said Sally, making a wry face, as she stooped down and examined the corpus delicti .
"Why, she's tumbled into some nasty mud," said Mrs.
The mud is so soft that it is impossible to walk over them, even for the shortest distance.
In both countries the salt-lakes occupy shallow depressions in the plains; in both the mud on the borders is black and fetid; beneath the crust of common salt, sulphate of soda or of magnesium occurs, imperfectly crystallized; and in both, the muddy sand is mixed with lentils of gypsum.
Our general routine was this: -- Pompey, having rolled himself well in the mud, sat upon end at the shop door, until he observed a dandy approaching in bright boots.
At least, it is not so much the wet as the mud that I object to.
"Consider," he said at last, "how warm the mud makes the nest."
Now they knew why they lined their nests with mud, and when Mrs.
Petal by petal, fall On that stretch of mud and sand that lies
The mud was impassable along the roads; two mills were carried away, and the weather got worse and worse.
At nine o'clock they heard the bell and the faint vibration of a carriage over the mud.
All the streets and lanes was just mud; they warn't nothing else BUT mud -- mud as black as tar and nigh about a foot deep in some places, and two or three inches deep in ALL the places.
He cussed away with all his might, and throwed his hat down in the mud and rode over it, and pretty soon away he went a-raging down the street again, with his gray hair a- flying.