move toward

move toward

1. To advance in the direction of someone or something. We moved toward the railings on the deck of the boat so we could see the whales breaching. We sat on the hood of the car, watching the sun move toward the horizon.
2. To cause or compel someone or something to advance in the direction of someone or something. Police moved the bystanders toward the perimeter they had set up around the crime scene. Please move the kids toward the back of the room while I set up the demonstration.
3. To advance with a view to achieving some particular situation, outcome, goal, etc. The two countries were moving toward a peace agreement, but this latest attack threatens to dismantle all of that. After nearly six hours of debating the points of the case, it seems like the jurors are moving toward a consensus. We decided to move toward a more streamlined business model.
See also: move, toward
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

move toward someone or something

1. Lit. to move in the direction of someone or something. The car is moving toward Roger!
2. Fig. to tend to favor a particular conclusion. We are moving toward making the final decision.
See also: move, toward
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • list to (some direction)
  • list to a direction
  • on deck
  • all hands
  • all hands on deck
  • stack the cards in the favor of (someone or something)
  • stack the deck in the favor of (someone or something)
  • shuffle the deck
  • stack the deck
  • stack the deck (against) (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
He said expertise and skilled human resources make up the back bone of knowledge-based economy, adding today the country faces a big and exceptional opportunity to move toward materialization of knowledge-based economy and distance itself from oil-dependent economy.
Heinrich says a move toward drop-off containers comes while the city is seriously contemplating the elimination of its money-losing curbside collection program.
Booth, retired general manager of Ford's Casting Div., recalled the automaker's move toward the innovative casting process in the late '80s and the resulting Windsor Aluminum Plant that followed it.
If SANs did nothing more than help consolidate backup, they would continue to drive use of automated tape storage systems, but SANs will also move toward allowing disk-based storage to be shared among multiple servers.
However, many larger consumers are less likely to move toward this approach.
"We've evolved in such a way that, when we hear a sound getting louder, we move toward it," Consi observes.
It was forecast to move toward the West Philippine Sea tomorrow and exit the country on Monday.
Summary: Companies sign MoU to move toward supply chain services for military vessels
South Korea's presidential office welcomed the decision, calling it a move toward "direct and frequent dialogue" between the two Koreas.
He told / NINA / today that "the political parties did not reject to meet with the representative of Massoud Barzani, Fuad Hussein, and things are beginning to move toward normalization and solutions, adding that the political parties have shown flexibility to each other for the normalization of the political situation.
And to help you accomplish that transformation is the purpose and reason that John Hambrick (who is part of the leadership team at Buckhead Church, which is the urban campus of North Point Community Church, Alpharetta, Georgia) has written and presents "Move Toward the Mess: The Ultimate Fix for a Boring Christian Life".
NNA - Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has warned of a new wave of Syrian refugees totaling as many as 80,000 after people began to move toward Turkey due to increased airstrikes in the countryA's northwest.
But when we tried to slide actin filaments in two adjacent sarcomeres toward centers of respective sarcomeres as it is described in the sliding filament theory, the Z disc that was common to both sarcomeres was not able to move toward the center of either sarcomere (Figure 2).
Or should it keep taxes as low as possible for residents, while seeking to attract businesses by other means than taxes, and move toward a single tax rate after conditions improve?
As can be seen in figure 3, the move toward TSNR was relatively rapid in Malaysia and Indonesia as compared to Thailand.