In Tierra del Fuego, as well as in the Falkland Islands, made many observations on the lower marine animals, [11] bu they are of little general interest.
Whe one of the vulture-like heads was cut off from the cell, th lower mandible retained its power of opening and closing Perhaps the most singular part of their structure is, tha when there were more than two rows of cells on a branch the central cells were furnished with these appendages, o only one-fourth the size of the outside ones.
The fleshy appendage at the lower extremity of th sea-pen (described at Bahia Blanca) also forms part of th zoophyte, as a whole, in the same manner as the roots of tree form part of the whole tree, and not of the individua leaf or flower-buds.
The Voyage of the Beagle
No longer be you a Dator, but for evermore a slave of slaves, to fetch and carry for the lower orders that serve in the gardens of Issus.
Among the therns there is no marriage or giving in marriage, as among the lower orders of the outer world.
The Gods of Mars
In the sunset, when all the lower world is palled in gloom, it points toward heaven out of the pervading blackness like a finger of fire.
I said I had meant no harm, and hoped I had not lowered myself in his estimation by raising him a few rods in the air.
Tramp Abroad
lowered their rifles and advanced pleasantly toward me placing their right hands upon my left shoulder, after the manner of their custom of salute, and asking me many questions about myself and my wanderings.
Princess of Mars
Traded value fell to Dh122 million,
lower than its 30-day average of Dh138 million.
Dubai index's short-term outlook turns bearish
"The median average (3.9%
lower for women), which is less affected by extreme values presents a much
lower pay gap.
Gender Pay Gap: The difference between men and women's pay at Teesside's 50 biggest organisations; Cleveland Police is the only force in the country with no gender pay gap :: Four organisations on Teesside pay women more than men
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Lower Higher
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Lower Higher Higher
The challenge
Lowering carbs is a strategy we've endorsed time and again, as a way to
lower blood sugar and insulin levels, especially for diabetics, and also to help with stubborn perimeno-pausal weight gain.
Diet demon: fat or sugar?
At the same time, not all Americans think
lower interest rates are helping them.
Lower Interest Rates Hurting 32% of Older Americans; Nearly half of consumers report putting less into savings each month
REBNY continued its steadfast support for the revitalization and rebuilding of
Lower Manhattan.
A year of progress on major planning projects
Several questions asked by the Kaiser Family Foundation poll followed this formula: "I'm going to read you a list of things some people have said about allowing the federal government to use its buying power to negotiate with drug companies to try to get a
lower price for prescription drugs for people on Medicare, and I'd like you to tell me whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.
The ills of fixing drug prices