
all the world loves a lover

Many people enjoy seeing someone who is happy and in love. I can't help but smile when I see a couple young and in love. All the world loves a lover, after all. A: "Is it true that all the world loves a lover? Because I want to punch those sappy jerks." B: "That's just because you're single."
See also: all, love, lover, world

alright me lover

A greeting associated with Bristol, England. Primarily heard in UK. A: "Alright me lover? How are you?" B: "Oh, just fine, and you?"
See also: alright, lover

alright my lover

A greeting associated with Bristol, England. Primarily heard in UK. A: "Alright my lover? How are you?" B: "Oh, just fine, and you?"
See also: alright, lover

lovers' lane

The generic name for a place, often one with a scenic view, that teenagers and young adults go to kiss and potentially engage in other sexual activity, typically in a car. If a boy takes you to lovers' lane, it's not because he wants to talk about the weather, OK? Oh my goodness, Ned, I think we found lovers' lane—look at all the kids making out in their cars!
See also: lane

star-crossed lovers

Two people in love who are forced to be apart by circumstances or influences outside of their control. A phrase popularized in its use by Shakespeare to describe the titular characters of his tragedy Romeo and Juliet. Any high school couple forced apart by where they go to college will likely feel like star-crossed lovers for the first week or so, and then realize that there's way more to life than an awkward adolescent romance.
See also: lover
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

star-crossed lovers

ill-fated lovers. I suppose that Romeo and Juilet are star-crossed lovers.
See also: lover
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

lovers' lane

A secluded road or area sought out by lovers seeking privacy. For example, The police loved to embarrass youngsters parked in lovers' lane. [Late 1800s]
See also: lane
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
See also:
  • all the world loves a lover
  • just for love
  • for love
  • for love/for the love of something
  • fall out of love with (someone)
  • drop the L-bomb
  • love muscle
  • head over heels
  • head over heels (in love), to be/fall
  • head over heels in love
References in classic literature
The lovers of sounds and sights, I replied, are, as I conceive, fond of fine tones and colours and forms and all the artificial products that are made out of them, but their mind is incapable of seeing or loving absolute beauty.
Shall we then be guilty of any impropriety in calling them lovers of opinion rather than lovers of wisdom, and will they be very angry with us for thus describing them?
But those who love the truth in each thing are to be called lovers of wisdom and not lovers of opinion.
On the evening at which we have arrived he was going to enter according to custom; but the two lovers, as we have seen, only exchanged a few words before Cornelius sent Rosa back to watch over the tulip.
He saw the lips of the lovers meet, and then heard Cornelius send Rosa away.
His death echoes a warning in his first most popular hit Peris Nduku, which he released in 1987 and in which he narrates about his lover's death in a grisly road crash, warning that sometimes vehicles are unreliable.
Lahore -- The Lover named Sarafaz went to his beloved house wearing a burqa (veil) to meet her in Liaquatpur, Lahore.
Summary: Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Aug 19 (ANI): In a strange love triangle, a husband agreed to let his wife go away with her lover in exchange for 71 sheep in Uttar Pradesh's Gorakhpur.
A 21-year-old butcher has committed suicide in Naivasha after his 18-year-old lover abandoned him for another man.
Gharabli also revealed the existence of dozens of Pharaonic texts, showing what ancient Egyptians wrote to express their feelings for their lovers.In an ancient manuscript an ancient Egyptian lover wrote, "My unique beloved is of incomparable beauty.
This means that Khatir has such a deep feeling about love that he doesn't even think of that no one knows about love especially a lover. He is of the view that lover knows how to love.
Around 25 dog lovers, 20 cat lovers, one rabbit lover, horse lover and a hen lover brought their animal in the show.
"The Food Lover's Garden: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Well" is an impressively accessible, profusely illustrated, easy-to-use guide to growing, cooking, and preserving twenty-some popular, easy-to-grow vegetables and herbs.
Visual artist Demetra Kallitsi will be putting on an art performance under the name A Lover's Discourse: Fragments 2016 this weekend in Limassol.
Danielle Earle, who brought you the award-winning web series Brooklyn Is in Love, helms the camera with a feature-length film, Lover's Game