
lager lout

A loud, obnoxious drunk man. Primarily heard in UK. When I went to England, I accidentally ended up in a pub filled with lager louts.
See also: lager, lout
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a ˈlager lout

(British English) a young man who drinks too much alcohol and then behaves in a noisy and unpleasant way: The police are planning to crack down on lager louts this summer.
See also: lager, lout
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • a lager lout
  • lager
  • lager lout
  • (as) pissed as a newt
  • be half-cut
  • nectar
  • amber nectar
References in periodicals archive
campaigner Hazel Smith, who launched a fight against louts after the death of Mrs Pilkington in Barwell, leics, said last night: "I'm disgusted at these figures, which show that what happened to Fiona could happen again and again."
How on earth can Liverpool attempt to win an award such as European City of Culture with louts like this occupying central key points in the city and harassing and insulting possibly some of the very people who might give Liverpool the vote.
The Rangers-daft lout has been jailed twice and banned from driving for drink-driving.
Swift justice: A street lout was left red-faced after he directed abusive hand gestures at a CCTV camera (above) before walking straight into a lamp-post (below).
The lout had been served with an ASBO, banning him from various estates in the town, for a catalogueof very unpleasant deeds, including attacking an off-duty police officer on his own doorstep, and smashing another resident's front door at night.
He was harassed for 30 minutes by a gang of louts who even poured beer over him.
Louts throw stools and bikes, barge through police cordons and fling punches and headbutts at rival fans.
Gifted artist Jonathan Harper, 47, described by her as a "gentle giant", was walking from a pub when the lout thumped him and sent him sprawling into the path of a car.
Staff at Ayr were warned to keep a lookout for the lout, who failed to appear before magistrates in Norfolk on a drugs charge on Thursday.
``We are determined to stamp out the car litter lout culture - they are polluting our roads and countryside,'' said Karin Crimmins, of Keep Wales Tidy.
The chief constable decided to stop and speak to him, but the litter lout sped off as soon as driver PC Dave McDonald turned on their car's flashing lights.
The lout, from Fatfield, Washington, assaulted the pensioner after they had both boarded at Heworth.
A COURT yesterday banned Lotto lout Michael Carroll from threatening or harassing anyone in a 400square-mile area.
A CHIEF constable who decided to chase a litter lout discovered the rubbish he'd dropped was heroin.
At the time, the lout was already on bail for two violence charges and has a conviction for affray.