Se realizo un analisis de la tasa de degradacion (R) y del coeficiente de degradacion (k) de la hoja de
mangle por temporadas de la region: nortes (noviembre a febrero), secas (marzo a junio) y lluvias (julio a octubre).
Degradacion de hojarasca y aporte de nutrientes del manglar en la Laguna Mecoacan, Golfo de Mexico
I viewed the
mangle as the intertwined material and discursive elements involved in the production of particular knowledge and practice--For Grace, this meant the
mangle of her materials from a past classroom life, our discourse related to those materials, her emotional reaction expressed physically, and the ways in which I recorded and interpreted her responses.
Mangling Expertise: Using Post-Coding Analysis to Complexify Teacher Learning
Em Antonina, a densidade de Rhizophora
mangle na subarea Al e 2,5 vezes maior em relacao a subarea A3 (Tabela 3).
Structure of adult trees and regeneration component of two mangrove forests of Parana/Estrutura do componente de regeneracao natural e arboreo de dois manguezais no estado do Parana
Rhizophores in Rhizophora
mangle L: an alternative interpretation of so-called "aerial roots".
First record of Acalles sablensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Rhizophora mangle (Malpighiales: Rhizophoraceae) along the Gulf of Mexico
Los bosques de
mangles en esta area se desarrollan fundamentalmente sobre turba fibrosa, siguiendole en orden de frecuencia los sustratos arenosos, presentes fundamentalmente en el cayo.
Gestion y monitoreo del ecosistema de manglar en la costa sur de Camaguey: Cayo Caguama, P.N. Jardines de la Reina y Refugio de Fauna Macurije-Santa Maria
racemosa (100% relative density (number of trunks) and dominance (basal area)), R
mangle (75% of dominance and 97% relative density) and A.
Decomposition of mangrove leaves in the estuary of Paraiba do Sul River Rio de Janeiro, Brazil/Descomposicion de hojas de mangle en el estuario del Rio Paraiba do Sul Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
This reviewer finds it very interesting that Pickering's theory of the "
mangle" could be applied in each case study regardless of the scenario or the author's field of study.
Pickering, Andrew, and Keith Guzik, eds.: The Mangle in Practice: Science, Society, and Becoming
Rather than putting
mangles and irons behind glass cases, on Monday Ormesby Hall let visitors put them to good use.
It's good old fashioned hard work
Lightning can
mangle an office building's computers, machinery and electronic systems within seconds.
Lightning will strike as often as it likes