The situation of Windygates had been skillfully chosen in that part of the county where the fertile lowlands first begin to
merge into the mountain region beyond.
Man And Wife
"Usually during the merger, bad institutes
merge into good banks to have proper function but considering these banks have high unbalanced resources and in addition to high debts, lack of liquidity and blocked properties, this plan would create unpleasant situation with the unbalanced resources," he explained.
Merging of Iran's military-related banks to create more risks, problems - analyst
Similarly, Meng and Weng [11] define a rejected gap as the situation in which the driver fails to
merge into the current adjacent lane.
Modeling and Predicting Stochastic Merging Behaviors at Freeway On-Ramp Bottlenecks
Dexter was approved to
merge into the $1.7 billion Navigant Credit Union in Smithfield, R.I.
Credit Union Mergers Slow Down in Q2
Merge's subsidiary will
merge into AMICAS with any shares not purchased in the offer being converted into the right to receive the same cash price per share as paid in the tender offer.
Merge Healthcare starts cash tender offer for all AMICAS' outstanding shares under merger agreement
According to the merger plan Turvatiimi Holding Oy, Linjo Turvatiimi Oy, Savon Turvatiimi Oy, Turvatiimi Patronas Oy, Turvatiimi-Alarmset Oy, Pohjanmaan Turvatiimi Oy, Savonlinnan Vartiointi Oy, Kymen Halytyslaite Oy and Sijoitus Oy Valakka would
merge into Turvatiimi Oyj.
Turvatiimi Corporation merges subsidiaries
In general, it accepted the idea that a corporation could
merge into a disregarded entity and qualify as a statutory merger, but that the merger of a disregarded entity into a corporation would not qualify.
Merger of target into acquiring corporation's SMLLC is an A reorganization. (Corporations & Shareholders)
Though different, they ultimately will
merge into Enterprise Storage Networking
SANs VS. NAS: What You Should Know And Why You Should Care
Therefore, as a rational solution, the smaller, weaker RECs could
merge into larger more cost efficient organizations.
Financial profile of merging rural electric cooperatives in the year prior to consolidation: a study of coop merger activity over the time period 1948-1988
BC and DE
merge into AB, using the assets-over form.
Merger and division prop. regs
This is no longer possible.) Non-tax corporate attorneys, generally unaware of the importance of the direction of the merger, may in fact recommend that the target
merge into a new company, for a number of (real or perceived) reasons (e.g., more expeditious state law filings or an implication that, if target shareholders are being squeezed out, the target should be disappearing).
The direction of a merger: pitfalls and opportunities