"In the spring, he went down the Yukon with the young men to trade at Cambell Fort.
"The young men are much afraid of the bad water at Cambell Fort.
Love of Life And Other Stories
These new associations are composed of men and women of superior talents and sentiments; yet it may easily be questioned whether such a community will draw, except in its beginnings, the able and the good; whether those who have energy will not prefer their chance of superiority and power in the world, to the humble certainties of the association; whether such a retreat does not promise to become an asylum to those who have tried and failed, rather than a field to the strong; and whether the members will not necessarily be fractions of men, because each finds that he cannot enter it, without some compromise.
But the men of less faith could not thus believe, and to such, concert appears the sole specific of strength.
Essays Second Series
"We set two men on the divide, one for the day and one for the night, to watch if the Meat-Eaters came.
Men without wives wanted other men's wives, and there was much fighting between men, and now and again one got his head smashed or a spear through his body.
The Strength of the Strong
The restless doors of saloons, clashing to and fro, disclosed animated rows of men before bars and hurrying barkeepers.
He laid stress upon the purity of his motives in all dealings with men in the world and spoke of the fervor of his friendship for those who were amiable.
Maggie A Girl of the Streets
Hairy monsters were overcoming his fighting men, and a black chieftain like himself was fighting shoulder to shoulder with the hideous pack that opposed him.
"Another white man `came in peace' three moons ago," replied Kaviri; "and after we had brought him presents of a goat and cassava and milk, he set upon us with his guns and killed many of my people, and then went on his way, taking all of our goats and many of our young men and women."
The Beasts of Tarzan
Was this deadly silent, rough-coated terrier the thing destined to destroy him where
men had failed?
Michael Brother of Jerry
54-59) `Son of Iapetus, surpassing all in cunning, you are glad that you have outwitted me and stolen fire -- a great plague to you yourself and to
men that shall be.
Collection Of Hesiod Homer and Homerica
Schopenhauer appeals to Nietzsche's deepest and strongest sentiment--his sympathy for higher
men. "Why dost thou conceal thyself?" he cries.
Thus Spake Zarathustra
The young
men rode up to the wounded man to announce that they were followed by the priest.
Twenty Years After
Saith he, If it be well weighed, to say that a man lieth, is as much to say, as that he is brave towards God, and a coward towards
men. For a lie faces God, and shrinks from man.
The Essays