This led him to
lose the thread of a conversation in a way that people who did not know him could misinterpret for evasiveness.
DANDO DOUBTS; TV documentary: experts claim conviction flawed
I start looking at things behind them, which is off-putting because I
lose the thread of what I want to say and that throws them, too.
Dear Wendy: I'm nervous about talking to people
Englund does, however, tend to
lose the thread of rational thought and to drift in a sea of footnotes, e.g., n.
Mesopotamien: Spaturuk-Zeit und frauhdynastische Zeit
And that if you
lose the thread of this intimacy, both your soul and your whole world might subsist forever in some desert-like state of ontological impoverishment.
Postmodernism's Human Face
In addition to his bravura style and interesting authorial choices (Stephenson tells each of his narratives in the present tense, regardless of when they occur chronologically), the book is so tightly plotted that you never
lose the thread.
Val McDermid has been a journalist for a long time and knows how to tell a story and how to give all the facts but never to
lose the thread of the story or to become boring.
When humanity itself becomes threatened with an easy faith, when we give a wink to all genuine value, when we
lose the thread of "the umbilical bond that binds it (us) always to Being" (p.
European Existentialism
It is sometimes difficult not to
lose the thread, because the author provides so many details.
Die USA und der Kolonialismus: Amerika als Partner und Nachfolger der belgischen Macht in Afrika 1939-1965
The Torch Theatre Company production, directed by Peter Doran, obviously has a strong focus on rugby and those not au fait with the sport may
lose the thread at times.
So how do the one-man shows fare? Arts Editor Karen Price was at the opening nights of both Grav and Oh Hello! at the Torch Theatre in Milford Haven. Here are her reviews
Repeat yourself or
lose the thread of conversation; Have problems thinking and reasoning; Feel anxious, depressed or angry about your forgetfulness; Find other people start to comment on your forgetfulness; Feel confused even when in a familiar environment.
Worried about dementia? Visit GP, says David's family
I suspect Benedict, known of late to
lose the thread of conversations, may be suffering from a form of senility.
Popes will never have to die in office again
If you let stars in your eyes get the better of you, you
lose the thread of why you were there in the first place.