There is a proverb, "Wise men
learn by other men's mistakes, while fools
learn by their own mistakes." The development of media technology, however, has enabled us to "
learn by our own mistakes" and still be considered wise.
Self-regulation in improving university education
Furthermore, allowing students to "
learn by doing" in a number of different settings can allow students to perform socially-beneficial work that may make them more satisfied with their educational experiences (House, 2000; Kretchmar, 2001; Raupp & Cohen, 1992).
Teaching and learning operant principles in animal shelters: perspectives from faculty, students, and shelter staff
It encourages students to
learn by working together.
Nurturing students through group lessons
Allowing officers to
learn by observing and interacting with others and by giving them opportunities to practice what they have learned further enhances the learning environment, providing immediate positive feedback.
Nontraditional training systems: realizing the effectiveness of an agency's most valuable resource
In subsequent sessions, the counselor would discuss different ways individuals
learn by explaining the differences in learning preferences that exist among and within students, teachers, and families.
The role of school counselors in homework intervention
Learn by listening" propagandists have brainwashed most of us since our earliest days in school.
Basic training
learn by making and correcting mistakes" (p.
The cognitive paradigm for teaching cane travel
Holland came to complex adaptive systems through his work on machine learning - the effort to build artificial systems that
learn by interacting with an environment.
Hidden Order: How Adaptation Builds Complexity
He likes it because it's a hands-on program where he can
learn by doing.
Learning disabilities
Vicarious learning, also referred to as observational learning, indicates that people can
learn by observing others' behaviors without direct experience.
Exploring leadership teaching methods
Almost all students indicated that they preferred to
learn by working in groups with limited interaction with teachers.
Cooperative learning on academic achievement in elementary African American males
In order to achieve these goals, business schools must continually find ways to allow students to
learn by practical application.
Service learning and faculty involvement
A unique community-based approach that emphasizes teaching and learning from both a theoretical and practical perspective, service-learning allows students to
learn by providing direct services in a community and by combining knowledge with experience in authentic settings.
Service-learning in Mongolia
When students
learn by simulations, they will have few problems understanding, analyzing, transferring, and dealing with real events and activities.
Applying constructivism in a traditional environment
Furthermore, a synthesis of results of several studies ranging over different industries and organizations found that workers
learn by a number of active methods, including applying theory, practicing skills, solving problems, making mistakes, and interacting with others (Gerber, 1998).
Training and learning in the post-industrial workplace