Related to molasses: blackstrap molasses
(as) slow as molasses
Exceptionally slow or sluggish; not fast at all. This old laptop my dad gave me is a piece of junk. It's as slow as molasses! Come on, Becky, you're slow as molasses back there! Pick up the pace and keep up with the group.
See also: molasses, slow
(as) slow as molasses in January
Exceptionally slow or sluggish; not fast at all. (The addition of "January," which is among the coldest months in the Northern Hemisphere, serves to intensify the meaning, as molasses is especially viscous in the cold.) This old laptop my dad gave me takes forever booting up, and then it's as slow as molasses in January the whole time I use it! Come on, Becky, you're slow as molasses in January back there! Pick up the pace and keep up with the group.
See also: January, molasses, slow
big around as a molasses barrel
Very large and round. If you keep eating fried food all the time, you'll be big around as a molasses barrel soon enough.
See also: around, barrel, big, molasses
slower than molasses
Exceptionally slow or sluggish; not fast at all. This old laptop my dad gave me is a piece of junk. It's slower than molasses! Come on, Becky, you're slower than molasses back there! Pick up the pace and keep up with the group.
See also: molasses, slower
slower than molasses in January
Exceptionally slow or sluggish; not fast at all. This old laptop my dad gave me is a piece of junk. It's slower than molasses in January! Come on, Becky, you're slower than molasses in January back there! Pick up the pace and keep up with the group.
See also: January, molasses, slower
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
*big around as a molasses barrel
Rur. very big around. (*Also: as ~.) He ate till he was as big around as a molasses barrel. The athlete's chest was big around as a molasses barrel.
See also: around, barrel, big, molasses
*slow as molasses in January
and slower than molasses in Januaryvery slow-moving. (*Also: as ~.) Can't you get dressed any faster? I declare, you're as slow as molasses in January. The traffic on the way to the concert was slower than molasses in January.
See also: January, molasses, slow
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
slow as (slower than) molasses (in January)
Extremely dilatory. This simile is American in origin, dates from the midor late nineteenth century, and is a vivid one for anyone who has ever tried to pour cold molasses from one container into another. “He’s slower than molasses,” wrote J. W. McAndrews (Monologue, ca. 1880).
See also: molasses, slow
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- (as) slow as molasses
- (as) slow as molasses in January
- slow as molasses in January
- slow
- slow going
- take (something) slow
- take it slow
- slow off the mark
- go slow
- slow but sure