* The Problem: Even slight
modeling missteps can have an enormous impact on an insurance company's financials, risk management or decision-making.
Building model trust: strong model risk management can prevent the damaging impact that model misuse or errors have on insurers
In the
modeling, the downward velocity of the upper piece started with a constant speed of 3.28 ft./second (1 m/second), then linearly decreased to zero at the end of the process.
Modeling casting on the move
The third question was, "How can models best represent the process by which an infectious agent may be transmitted?" The classic method of
modeling considers a population to be divided into distinct subpopulations: susceptible, infected, infectious, and removed (i.e., dead or recovered and immune).
Smallpox models as policy tools (1)
We have also neglected the effects of paint application in our
modeling. Nevertheless, the rapid developments in computer graphics--where the turn around time between theoretical formulation and practical application is so short--make significant progress on these problems in the near future an exciting and likely possibility.
The role of rendering in the competence project in measurement science for optical reflection and scattering
Changes that RMS made to its models included reflecting climate variability in the
modeling of event frequency, increasing the differentiation between individual risks, and driving toward models that are as comprehensive as possible, VanderMarck said.
Modeling after the big one: applying lessons from the 2004 and 2005 hurricane seasons, catastrophe modelers have changed their products and insurers have changed how they use them
modeling has only come into its own with the arrival of really powerful computers sitting on people's desktops, within the last 10 or 15 years," he notes.
In pixels and in health: computer modeling pushes the threshold of medical research
The emphasis of each test is on
modeling and applications with only 30% of each test devoted to skill problems.
A modeling-based approach to college algebra
Modeling, on appropriate scales, the processes of adaptation and adaptive capacity.
Summary of a workshop on the development of health models and scenarios: strategies for the future
Modeling agencies take a 20% commission.) A good client will book a model at least four hours weekly.
A mannequin model: Shay Taylor is a perfect fit
This can be done with glue or the
modeling material itself.
Investing with rapid prototyping: with the ability to produce near-net shape engineered cast components in days, the combination of rapid prototyping and investment casting is a key tool for both metalcasters and design engineers
As new TB vaccines and other control strategies become available, their potential benefits to TB control efforts can be evaluated by mathematical
modeling. Mathematical models can be used as health policy tools to evaluate strategies for controlling TB (30-35); mathematical models also provide insights for predicting the potential public health impact of imperfect HIV vaccines (36 39).
Potential public health impact of new tuberculosis vaccines
There is general agreement that traditional 2.5D midplane
modeling is best suited for thin-shell parts that require fairly short analysis times.
The new dimension in mold simulation
Working with dynamic system
modeling tools such as MATLAB / Simulink and MATRIXx / SystemBuild, the product allows real-time simulations of dynamic systems to be quickly created and used throughout the design cycle--from initial concepts to controller design, test and validation using hardware-in- the-loop.
Opal-RT unveils RT-LAB Electric Drive Simulator at NI Week 2002
This suggests the importance of
modeling networks of sufficiently large size when studying the effects of collective dynamics.
Exploring collective dynamics in communication networks
Hybrid analytical/empirical
modeling: Analytical, first-principles models are often too cumbersome for real-time feedback control.
Development opportunities in process automation: process automation research can lead the way to sharply reduced manufacturing costs and better decision making