It may
mislead the listener by omitting relevant information.
Criminal law - passive omission qualifies as a false statement
Petticrew added that despite their undoubtedly good intentions, it is unethical for them to lend their expertise and legitimacy to industry campaigns which
mislead the public about alcohol-related harms.
Alcohol industry falsifying cancer risk
The watchdog said that as a general principle of fair business practice, names used by a commercial enterprise should never seek to
mislead consumers looking for free, impartial, charitable or public sector assistance.
Businesses warned over use of misleading names
Research reveals that dairy labels, advertisements and marketing claims being made by certain New England and nationally known dairy brands
mislead consumers about the safety, nutrition and quality of milk.
Journal of Pediatrics report finds that dairy labels are misleading
Thus, this chapter can
mislead the reader to conclude that further regulation would serve merely to destroy industry without any positive impact upon public health.
The Particulate Air Pollution Controversy: a Case Study and Lessons Learned
Other concerns about the USDA dictat: the rules may
mislead some consumers and may violate First Amendment rights.
USDA issues final organic rules
So how does the nation's sixth-largest banking corporation get away with it, especially when the Federal Trade Commission prohibits unfair and deceptive advertising practices and specifies that "deception occurs when there is a representation or omission that is likely to
mislead consumers acting reasonably under the circumstances"?
You're absolutely, positively pre-approved; maybe: how credit companies twist the truth - and why regulators let them
If you believe that you have been
mislead by pricing you should: 1 Gather evidence - including adverts and comparisons with other retailers.
Know your rightsThis week: Misleading prices
Washington, Sept 17 ( ANI ): Researchers have warned consumers that they should be wary of advertisements for pharmaceuticals on the nightly TV news, as six out of 10 claims could potentially
mislead the viewer.
6 in 10 drug ads on TV contain false claims by manufacturers
ADVERTS by furniture retail firm Harveys which said "10% off throughout the store" were likely to
mislead consumers into thinking everything was discounted, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) says today.
Furniture store ads 'likely to mislead' uk newsbulletin
David Nolan April 2007 Suspended nine months - guilty of communicating information for material reward, gift, favour or benefit in kind and endeavouring by overt act to
mislead officials
Horse Racing: Corruption crackdown - the jockeys' roll of shame
A spokeswoman said: "We are pleased with the judgement and hope that this will serve as a warning to other companies who are in a position to
mislead their customers."
35,000 misled by gas 'price freeze'
The advert said Go flew to major city airports and went on: "Unlike Ryanair we don't believe in any nasty surprises, so we won't
mislead you about where we fly to."
Rival airlines clash over advert
Despite criticisms that statistical comparisons of anatomical features, known as cladistic analyses, have a propensity to
mislead, Bernard Wood of George Washington University in Washington, D.C., still sees value in them.
District Court for the District of New Mexico ruled that an expert witness for the plaintiff in a case against an accounting firm could not render an opinion on the legality of a transaction and could not render testimony that would confuse and
mislead the jury.
Court raises standard for expert testimony against accounting firms