
misfortunes never come alone

proverb Bad things, event, situations, outcomes, etc., almost always arrive in groups of two or more all at once or in quick succession. My mother died in a car crash when I was just 12, and then my father succumbed to his grief and passed away a few months later. Misfortunes never come alone, as they say. My business collapsed, my wife left me, and the bank repossessed my home, all in the space of a year. Misfortunes never come alone, it seems.
See also: alone, come, misfortune, never

misfortunes never come singly

proverb Bad things, event, situations, outcomes, etc., almost always arrive in groups of two or more all at once or in quick succession. My mother died in a car crash when I was just 12, and then my father succumbed to his grief and passed away a few months later. Misfortunes never come singly, as they say. My business collapsed, my wife left me, and the bank repossessed my home, all in the space of a year. Misfortunes never come singly, it seems.
See also: come, misfortune, never
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Misfortunes never come singly.

Prov. Bad things tend to happen in groups. I already told you that my wife lost her job. Well, misfortunes never come singly; our house was robbed last night.
See also: come, Misfortune, never
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • a bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel
  • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) barrel
  • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) bunch
  • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) bushel
  • bushel
  • teach a man to fish
  • village
  • it takes a village
  • require
  • drastic times call for drastic measures
References in periodicals archive
"But the 'crisis cohort' who had the misfortune to enter the world of work in the midst of the last downturn still faced significant scarring effects.
Our interview takes place in the week or so following the world premiere of Acute Misfortune (Thomas M Wright) at the 2018 Melbourne International Film Festival.
Tang said that although the Dragon Boat Festival is known as the "evil day" and is a time when yang energy is at its height, it is also a good time to try to bring about good luck and turn misfortune into fortune for the second half of the year.
It's a misfortune that election commission has appointed him,' said former prime minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi while speaking to reporters.
And so, sometimes we resign ourselves to misfortune, rather than get our hopes up.
His biggest misfortune, I would say, is Sam Allardyce, who was my coach at Newcastle United.
"Half of the delight in Emily Culliton's wholly delightful debut novel, The Misfortune of Marion Palm, lies in the way the book, like its title character, defies expectations at every turn....
LOOK: Napoles all smiles after reversal of misfortune
"I was on my way to work in Belfast when the bus broke down so, after rolling my eyes at the misfortune, and telling myself that every misfortune is a blessing, I popped into a nearby shop and bought a ticket for the Friday EuroMillions draw.
Critique: "A Sweet Misfortune is another terrific read in Maggie Brendan's delightful 'Virtues and Vices of the Old West' series.
Worldly prosperity is seen as a sign of Allah's pleasure, while misfortune and loss are seen as evidence of Allah's anger.
Manila: A couple in Butuan City decided against pushing through with their wedding on Friday after finding out that their number in the queue would fall on digits associated with misfortune.
"Anton was so keen to get back to Tyneside after his misfortune in 2014 that our negotiations were over so quickly.
Which leads us into a search for the unluckiest person of the day, probably Kimiko Date-Krumm who had the misfortune of being 43-years-old in a WTA Tour quarter-final and having played singles and doubles every day for a week.