lawful orders

lawful orders

A plea or legal defense strategy in which the defendant claims that their actions were solely the result of carrying out the orders of superiors and that, as such, they should not be found guilty of such actions. Often known as the "Nuremberg defense," which is a reference to the use of such a defense by political and military leaders of defeated Nazi Germany in the Nuremberg Trials of 1945–46. Against the charge of unlawful murder during wartime, the staff sergeant's defense attorney put forward a lawful orders defense, claiming that the killings were carried out under direct orders by superior officers.
See also: order
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • Nuremberg defense
  • superior orders
  • luck of the draw
  • the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
  • mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
  • marriage of convenience
  • above (one's) pay grade
  • beyond (one's) pay grade
  • grade
  • paygrade
References in periodicals archive
The President earlier said that he liked retired military officers in government because they follow lawful orders without questions.
The PNP spokesman maintained that the operations against illegal drugs were legally carried out and were based on lawful orders, and 'judiciously conducted within the ambit of regular police procedures.'
'We maintain that all our police operations against illegal drugs had been generally above board, based on lawful orders, and judiciously conducted within the ambit of regular police procedures,' said Banac.
Johnson didn't comply with the homeowner's lawful orders, so the homeowner was forced to shoot him twice.
The appellate court held that it will be in the best interest of Nigerians that Police, as a law enforcement agency obeys lawful orders of the court.
Noordin Haji said the two will also be charged with disobedience of lawful orders after they failed to surrender payment vouchers which are subject of investigations at the insurer.
Yates January 30, 2017, guidance and direct the men and women of the Department of Justice to do our sworn duty and to defend the lawful orders of our President," Boente wrote in a statement.
In a news release Sunday, the Portland Police Bureau said the protesters failed to obey numerous lawful orders to vacate city streets.
LAHORE -- Minister for Pakistan Railways, Khawaja Saad Rafique said on Monday that officers should follow the lawful orders of the seniors according to the constitution.
She must carry out lawful orders of the Chief Minister and the Board of Ministers of the Province.
There were cases when police officers were attacked, beaten and their lawful orders were disobeyed," the Interior Ministry emphasized.
Abdalla is now under detention as he awaits trial on why he failed to obey lawful orders from the anti-graft body.
He put aside personal belief, and obeyed the lawful orders of his government.
The force had argued its decision to take action against Detective Constable Jennifer Coleman related to her disobeying lawful orders and was connected to her honesty and integrity.