order from

order from (someone or something)

To make a purchase (of something) from a person or company, especially through a telephone, postal, or online order. A noun or pronoun can be used between "order" and "from" to specify what is being ordered. This dress arrived all dirty and wrinkled! That's the last time I order clothes from them. Let me know if you're ordering from Stephen—there are a couple things I need from him as well, and it will save on shipping costs.
See also: order
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

order something from someone or something

to agree to purchase something from someone or a group. We ordered some plants from the mail-order company. I will order some of those clever little things from you as soon as I can.
See also: order
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • order from (someone or something)
  • order in
  • on the order of
  • place an order
  • place an/the/(one's) order
  • in order
  • bum check
  • write a bum check
  • pass a bum check
  • be in apple-pie order
References in periodicals archive
The nurse can then go into the system and order the ECG when necessary, either as a protocol order (if allowed by local policies and regulatory agencies) or as a verbal order from the physician, requiring a co-signature at a later time.
"This follow-on order from our European launch customer...speaks volumes about their belief in the exceptional benefits the 787 will bring to their passengers," Commercial Airplanes VP-Sales-Europe, Russia and Central Asia Marlin Dailey said.
Often, a company can source a particular order from several different geographic locations--whether these are mill or warehousing operations, or both.
The Interjurisdictional Support Orders Act, which replaces the Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Orders Act, reduces the number of court hearings required to obtain or change a support order from two to one.
Kelly: We've had a home page for four months, and we have yet to receive a single order from it.
Because of the shortcomings apparent in the several options, the article concludes that the taxpayer's most effective strategy may consist of controlling the IRS's access to trade secrets during the audit and, if necessary, seeking a conditional - enforcement order from a district court during an administrative summons enforcement proceeding.
Where the access issue becomes confrontational and the IRS issues an administrative summons, the taxpayer may be able to obtain a conditional-enforcement order from the district court.
It is thought that the latest additions may be an order from Avianca, which wants to replace its MD-83 and 767 fleets with 737s and 787s.
* Metso Paper received an order from Cartulinas CMPC for an extensive board machine rebuild at its Maule mill in Chile.
That total does not include a yet-to-be-finalized order from Emirates announced at the Farnborough Air Show.
Now the physician would be able to order from any terminal within the institution and not have to be present on the unit.