His writing strongly favored deaconesses, and even suggested that they could be
ordained, although he admitted that he had never witnessed such an ordination.
Baptist women deacons and deaconesses: key developments and trends, 1609-2005: "Baptist women deacons and deaconesses: key developments and trends, 1609-2005" is a big topic. It covers four centuries. It spans international boundaries. It exhibits considerable conflict
He got an answer from a well-respected scholar and member of the International Theological Commission: Yes, women had once been
ordained as deacons and can be so
ordained again.
A woman's place: It's time to reclaim a forgotten ministry
The Northwest suburban deacons to be
ordained and their wives are:
Archdiocese of Chicago announces new deacons
Some of those being
ordained will work for their churches as volunteers while others have a full time salaried job with the church.
Weekend date at cathedral
When asked why they are, or are not, or are not yet
ordained, women offer important clues about the changing practice of ordination.
Changing hands: the practice of ordaining Baptist women
"In South America, there are bishops who say, T would
ordain women in a minute.'"
Synod puts women deacons on the table
The ceremony was to be conducted in York Minster by the Archbishop of York, the Very Reverend David Hope, just weeks after Miss Foster turned 24 - the earliest age a person could be
TEN YEARS AGO... / You can send pictures [...]
Many Christian denominations allow ordination of women, but the Catholic Church has been strictly following the age-old law of allowing only men to be
ordained as priests.
Topless Activists Protest Against Restriction on Women Ordination; Pope Francis Unlikely to Reform
This time the swarm is over restoring the tradition of
ordained women in the Roman Catholic Church.
Church's stance on female deacons is mystifying
NEW priests are to
ordained by the Bishop of Wakefield Stephen Platten in the next two weeks.
Priests to be ordained
WOMEN are slowly being allowed a greater role as
ordained ministers in the Anglican Communion - and are becoming increasingly accepted.
As Bishop Patricia Fresen has said, "the reason for ordaining women as bishops was only so that they in turn can
ordain priests which is the traditional method for ordination in the Roman Catholic Church.
"Valid, but illicit"
The pressure to
ordain women to the Catholic priesthood and permanent diaconate is growing.
Rocking the boat: a new wave of Catholic women answers the call to ordination and priesthood--an act of ecclesial disobedience
Her body wrapped in yards of white cotton, her head shaved and eyebrows shorn, she faced insects and rats and flying snakes, and learned to meditate for 19 hours at a stretch, sublimating ego, breathing through doubt, hunger and restlessness, making friends with fear and loneliness to
ordain as a Buddhist nun.
Out of the wilderness: books that explore a vast range of black religious experiences
IRELAND'S rival rebel bishops Michael Cox and Pat Buckley are battling it out to see who can
ordain the most priests.
Rival bishops deny 'race to ordain priests'