It is difficult to predict what will happen to
long-run averages of real interest rates in the United States and abroad.
Understanding global trends in long-run real interest rates
If all price series are stationary, prices are in
long-run equilibrium and simple linear regression can be used to analyze the short-run dynamics.
Short- and long-run competition of retailer pricing strategies
Similarly, for LRR, our results include ex-post characterizations of movements in the
long-run growth rate and volatility.
Rare events and long-run risks
If it is found that firms tend to issue more equity when interest rates are low, they may have lower leverage ratios (i.e., debt to assets ratios) in the
long-run. Therefore, the hypothesis of interest regarding the relation between the market conditions at the time of the offering and the issuing firm's capital structure is;
Empirical study of market conditions and IPOs public offerings: U.S. economy in perspective
which has the property that the representative consumer just doesn't care enough about those
long-run risks to pump up the returns on those high book-to-market portfolios.
More specifically, we propose and define four distinct time periods for macroeconomics: The extreme short-run, the short-run, the
long-run, and the extreme
A note on time periods in macroeconomics
Lousy economic performance currently has depressed stocks, but the market has some optimism about the
long-run outlook and hasn't given up on the idea that growth in productivity will return in the years ahead.
Because the purchase of a home is a long-term investment, we find that the impact on home prices is negligible, similar to the
long-run impact on rents.
In models in which nominal variables follow integrated variables processes,
long-run neutrality can be defined and tested without complete knowledge of the behavioral model.
Testing long-run neutrality
Bentzen, Jan and Tom Engsted, "On the Estimation of Short- and
Long-Run Elasticities in U.S.
On the estimation of short- and long-run elasticities in U.S. petroleum consumption: reply
Also available are stainless mold and holder steels for low-maintenance,
long-run operations.
Metallic mold materials: product lines reviewed
In the
long-run, income decreases from VPS combined with BBC will lead to provider opposition to caps.
Medicare's physician payment form
LONG-RUN PARAMETERS This note provides a practical illustration of the reparameterisation described by Wickens and Breusch (1988) which enables estimates of
long-run coefficients and their standard errors to be derived from an autoregressive distributed lag equation.
Obtaining estimates for the standard errors of long-run parameters
If you are going to encourage a
long-run growth, for example, debtfinancing has a great advantage, since as long as a corporation meets its interest payments, it is free to sacrifice short-term profits for long-term productivity.
Pie-slicers vs. pie-enlargers
On the premise that effective communication is even more crucial near price stability, I will focus today on how an incremental move toward inflation targeting, in the form of the announcement of a
long-run inflation objective, might help the Fed communicate better and perhaps improve policy decisions as well, without the costs feared by those concerned about a potential loss of flexibility.
Inflation targeting