long hair, don't care

long hair, don't care

A humorous slogan used in defense of hair styles that are longer than may be considered socially conventional or acceptable. Often used as a modifier, typically with quotation marks rather than hyphens. A: "Wow, look at this picture of Dad sporting a mullet!" B: "Ah, yes, that was back in my 'long hair, don't care' days." With curly locks down to her waist, she's the definition of long hair, don't care.
See also: care, long
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • come in
  • come in a certain position
  • come on in
  • Fanny's your aunt
  • be (flat) on (one's) back
  • believe it or not
  • bion
  • (Is) that everything?
  • flat on (one's) back