There's also a helpful service for people who want to submit their own
lolcat pictures - just upload your photo, then add amusing captions to your heart's delight.
Crazy cat website shows why anything can take off on the web; E-BUSINESS
they create the bits of light that combine into
LOLCat pictures and Comedy Central reruns.
What's in your TV tube may become a recycling headache
So many to wince at: The Ice Bucket Challenge, necknominate, vaping, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, weather bomb,
lolcat and White Dee were just a few.
The good, the bad and....David Mellor: A look back at 2014; It's been quite a year for news, much of it bad, but Mirror columnist Brian Reade finds something to be cheerful about as 2014 draws to a close
Not only did Cashmore instantly recognize the cultural significance of social media, but he also had a knack for finding the right stories, whether they involved the commercial applications of YouTube or the endearing appeal of the latest
LOLcat meme.
The sage of social media: Mashable's Pete Cashmore is a sought-after authority on the seismic shifts brought by digital communications
Users now have the option to change their language to "
LOLCAT," a dialect derived from the popular internet meme of the same name.
'I Can Haz Twitter?' 'LOLCAT' Language Added To Social Site
You can't swing a dead
lolcat in Google+ without hitting another tech journo.
Google+ adds to mad world of networking
At Memfy, organizing memories is easier than posting a
lolcat to a friend's wall.
Help Keep the Memories Alive at
He's posted a picture of my cat Millie looking dinky, as she always does, so she is now in the running to be an official
lolcat (laugh-out-loud cat)- one of 2,700 so far.
Purr-fect site for cats
For instance, while Twitter may occasionally distract employees who stop to check out a
Lolcat photo, social media tools as a whole can improve communication and collaboration between coworkers and even across enterprises, potentially increasing the productivity of workers by 20 to 25 percent, according to the report.
Can Tweeting The Workday Away Save The Economy?
The forum also made internet memes like
Lolcats, Caturday and Rickrolling popular.
Google Hires Creator Of Notorious Website 4chan
99-118) listed nine meme genres that appear to cut across the humor-nonhumor divide, as indicated by the particular manifestations of each meme type: reaction Photoshops (which serve as comments on official news), photo fads (e.g., planking), flash mobs, lip-synching, misheard lyrics, recut trailers,
lolcats (pictures of cats accompanied by relevant captions, typically misspelled), rage comics, and stock character macros (showing Advice Animals).
"I Has Seen Image Macros!" Advice Animal Memes as Visual-Verbal Jokes
Experimental C4, 8pm A sort of Rude Tube meets Top Gear (without the
LOLCATs and casual racism) as two nerdy blokes copy something they've seen on the internet, especially if it looks dangerous, like riding a high-pressure hose, or racing against an underground train.
His cause was taken up by users of the website 4chan--the image board that spawned
LOLcats and the hacker group Anonymous--who spread the (false) rumor that Quinn had traded sex with Kotaku writer Nathan Grayson in exchange for favorable reviews.
It's no game: what GamerGate can teach news organizations about handling social media storms
"We started with sci-fi topics, given my fanbase at the time, but I noticed that the funnies, the humorous, the comic memes (like
LOLcats) are what's shared the most.
Personal history informs this pledge of 'Allegiance': 'Star Trek' icon George Takei uses his social media following to build buzz for Broadway-bound musical