

dated slang In the military, any gossip, rumor, or unfounded information passed along in the latrines (communal toilets). If the latrinograms I've been hearing are to be believed, we're going to be relocated to an area outside of Danang next week. You shouldn't believe every latrinogram you come across, son. When soldiers have too much time on their hands, they start spinning stories.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a latrine rumor. There was a latrino yesterday about the colonel and his golf game.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • latrine rumor
  • rumor
  • latrine wireless
  • wireless
  • through the grapevine
  • on the grapevine
  • on/through the grapevine
  • a dog that'll bring a bone will carry a bone
  • furphy
  • spill (the) tea
References in periodicals archive
The diary covers his time in North Africa, Sicily and finally the Normandy Invasion and is, as Prof Hew Strachen writes in the Foreword, 'one of the great personal narratives of the experience of war to come out of the British Army in the years 1939-1945.' Where the diary excels is not in word pictures of heroism and gallantry but in describing the day to day existence with its rounds of intense action, death and destruction followed by boredom, weariness, disintegrating braces, dirt, bad food, toothache, lack of mail and endless gossip exchanged in what passed for toilets ('latrinograms').