References in classic literature
Thus there is more logical affinity between a word and what it means in the case of words of our present sort than in any other case.
It is not necessary, in order that a man should "understand" a word, that he should "know what it means," in the sense of being able to say "this word means so-and-so." Understanding words does not consist in knowing their dictionary definitions, or in being able to specify the objects to which they are appropriate.
There is no more reason why a person who uses a word correctly should be able to tell what it means than there is why a planet which is moving correctly should know Kepler's laws.
(4) When the word is being first learnt, you may associate it with an object, which is what it "means," or a representative of various objects that it "means."
If we find, in a given case, that our vague image, say, of a nondescript dog, has those associative effects which all dogs would have, but not those belonging to any special dog or kind of dog, we may say that our image means "dog" in general.
In that case we say that the image or word means that object.
It is much easier to say definitely what a word means than what an image means, since words, however they originated, have been framed in later times for the purpose of having meaning, and men have been engaged for ages in giving increased precision to the meanings of words.
At the same time, it is possible to conduct rudimentary thought by means of images, and it is important, sometimes, to check purely verbal thought by reference to what it means.
'Well, "SLITHY" means "lithe and slimy." "Lithe" is the same as "active." You see it's like a portmanteau--there are two meanings packed up into one word.'
The mean gender bonus gap includes footballer bonus payments."
In 2003, Somasundaram and Ponraj [2] have introduced the notion of mean labelings of graphs.
At baseline, those with idiopathic short stature were a mean of 12 years old; their mean height was 2.3 SDs below normal.
In the second gathering of data (30 days) treatment 2 (7x12) has the highest length of mycelia with a mean of 14.9 cm, followed by treatment 1 (6x12) with 14.4 cm, treatment 3 (8x12) with a mean of 14.25 cm and treatment 4 (9x12) has the lowest length of mycelia with the mean of 13.7cm.
Kind?", "What Does it Mean to be Safe?", "What Does it Mean to Be Present?", "What Does it Mean to Be Green?" and "What Does it Mean to Be Global?"
By this means they can gain a broader understanding of themselves and of life.