make a reservation

make a reservation

To guarantee in advance that one has a position or place within a location or venue. The restaurant gets really busy on Fridays, so we'll need to make a reservation ahead of time. You can usually get seats on the train on the day, but I always feel better making a reservation online.
See also: make, reservation
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

make a reservation

 and make reservations
to reserve a seat, as in an airplane, restaurant, or theater in advance; to reserve a room, as in a hotel in advance. Did you make a reservation or are we just going to chance getting a table? I made reservations for a flight at twelve noon.
See also: make, reservation
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • hive
  • hive of activity
  • hives
  • a hive of activity
  • activity
  • hum with activity
  • Grand Central Station
  • not know whether one is coming or going
  • not know whether one is coming or going and not know if one is ...
  • not know whether you are coming or going