load of crap

load of crap

A bunch of nonsense. The candidate's views on the economy are a load of crap. His excuse is a load of crap. He never had any intention of following through on his promise.
See also: crap, load, of
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a load of nonsense
  • a load of rubbish, nonsense, etc.
  • nonsense
  • rubbish
  • a load of (something)
  • get a load on
  • have (got) a load on
  • have a load on
  • carrying a load
References in periodicals archive
It's a load of crap. I ended up finding a job teaching languages at a place you would consider official if you sawitfrom the outside, yet I got the same rate per hour and still no benefits.
"Regardless of whether they're talking a load of crap or not they create great reality TV and are even better in the editing suites.
But these people are sad and lonely and I just think by calling them out now and again, the less brave they'll be about giving me a load of crap," she added.
In his police interview Evans denied the assaults, dismissing Ms Kelleher's account as "a load of crap" and Mr Steele's account as "a lie".
"I know Tomi Lahren was five when the Festivus episode aired on Seinfeld, but you'd think she might Google it before putting out such a false load of crap," one (https://twitter.com/jptoner50/status/944799799911608320) user vehemently tweeted.
All that chatter about 'spiritual renewal' on his part is nothing but a load of crap. We nearly fell off our seats when he lectured Arturo Lascanas-a hitman testifying at the Senate about the murders he committed on then Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte's orders-about the true path to righteousness and away from the hypocrisy the latter was said to be meandering along.
"AT&T wants you to think DIRECTV is theirs exclusively, but that's a load of crap. Both DIRECTV NOW and the DIRECTV apps stream free on T-Mobile with a faster, more advanced network that covers nearly every American," said John Legere, president and CEO of T-Mobile.
"They were very good, intelligent people, but they all just looked at me and said that was all a load of crap. Secretly, I was absolutely horrified that these famers and businessmen didn't realise they were going to be directly affected by climate change.
It's a load of crap! I retired because I thought it was what I was supposed to do, but I should have just kept working.
When told about the proposed panhandling ordinance, he responded, "What a load of crap."
"To be honest, what you've said is a load of crap in lots of respects," said the Baggies' head coach.
it is for Stokes SUTTY ON TWITTER What a load of crap ...
What a load of crap. Gone are the days of chit-chat about the weather, the thousand welcomes and convenience.
That's a load of crap, this is about money," she said.
Blackpool boss Ince, just back himself from a five-game touchline ban, raged: "People can jump on the bandwagon because of my ban and these red cards but it's a load of crap. Look at our disciplinary record before this."