loaded word

loaded word

A word that carries additional emotional weight or significance—whether positive or negative—beyond its literal meaning. If you want to get into politics, you should always avoid using loaded words that might offend someone unintentionally.
See also: loaded, word
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • loaded question
  • blue in the face, to be/until one is
  • the spirit of the law
  • significance
  • significance level
  • strictly speaking
  • be jumping up and down
  • at a dead end
  • be as good as dead
  • face to face with (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
It's a loaded word for me and I have to admit it's still widely used in Scotland by people of a certain age.
Nationalism is a loaded word. At its core, it's the belief that a country's first obligation is to itself.
Addiction is a loaded word, but it means you depend on your sleeping tablets, or would severely struggle without them.
So has PTI's stated intention to overhaul media regulation - the federal information minister used that loaded word, 'censorship' - a move denounced by various journalist bodies.
Whether they are propaganda--quite a loaded word but sometimes it fits--or simply governmental public relations is beside the point.
I will then offer a process for the studio that relates placement to individual sensation to try to help students and teachers reach a mutual understanding and give this loaded word its "place."
"It's such a loaded word but our question was 'what exactly is our responsibility to a contemporary point of view in Canada and in relation to the international dance world?' "That was going to take a certain amount of time and, inside that vision, I felt that for us to be ambassadors for Canadian work and to have a global conversation we would need to be able to tour and really extend the work that we are creating to different audiences."
Synopsis: Home is a loaded word, a complex idea: it's a place that can be comforting, difficult, nourishing, war-torn, or political.
This is not to say I didn't recognize the need to "reform" our tax code--a loaded word, since it implies improvement--and I'm not so naive as to think that I'll ever be completely happy with any legislation.
Such a loaded word, "respect." We are on notice to get with the church's program, or else.
Ema Linaker, regional director, Holler/Leo Burnett, calls virality a loaded word" saying that what people really mean by virality is a piece of content that a lot of people paid attention to".
Wheen uses the loaded word "appeaser" to describe the Queen Mother's approach to the Nazis practically until the point at which hostilities began.
Even though risk is a loaded word that can be interrupted in many different ways, risk appetite is an important gauge of investment sentiment in financial markets.
The point of departure for Serbian artist Marina Abramovic's durational performance piece 512 Hours was 'From nothing, something may or may not happen.' Nothing is a loaded word in this instance, as Abramovic herself explained that the 'nothing', as point of departure, was possible only at this late stage in her career, only after years of experience of research and performative work accomplished across the globe in various situations.
Perversion is a loaded word. Most people immediately think of perversion as an amoral action or an act of sexual deviance.