So instead of answering the question, I suspect most abortion supporters would follow Busy Phillips' lead--make a
lame joke about playing a doctor on television but not being one in reality, and then offer up the same old pro-abortion talking point.
A moment of truth at a congressional hearing conducted by pro-abortion Democrats
TRYING to laugh off the disaster of a no-deal Brexit as a
lame joke is all right for the braying Brexiteers in the Tory Cabinet.
Far from funny; RECORD VIEW
Someone stole your food?" I tried to cheer her up with a
lame joke.
It's my birthday. So why haven't you wished me on Facebook?
Pipes then gave way to vapour chambers which seem to be the hottest thing or rather the coldest thing(
lame joke, I know) on the market.
Agent001 goes shopping for CPU coolers
He told me: "Racing needs its superstars to appear at the track as often as possible", and I made a
lame joke about popping down most weeks.
My apologies for starting this column with such a
lame joke; but the point is there is obviously a cross-over between human and animal medicine.
Animal crackers: researchers in veterinary medicine and epidemiology have long demonstrated key connections between animals and humans in the areas of emerging infections. "Zoobiguity" looks at connections that are closer to home, including cardiology, gastroenterology, pediatrics, oncology and also psychiatry
Ryan decides to leave, breaking his ma's heart; while Owen's scam sounds like a
lame joke about car insurance: stealing Phelan's Wheels.
soap notes
The nation was waiting for one of his trademark howlers and the best he can do is a
lame joke about Annabel Goldie's tartan pants.
But he hit a particularly creepy low when he decided to distort a
lame joke lamely delivered by Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.
U.S. editorial excerpts
In college I heard a joke that asked, "How many community college students does it take to change a tire?" and answered, "Only one, but they'd get three hours credit for it." While I was trying to decide whether even to give a fake smile at this
lame joke, I was reminded that community colleges are often seen as an easy route through college courses.
Joe Starrs, Bonnybridge, and Rab Picken, Essex, phoned in with the same
lame joke.
London Mayor Boris Johnson was so perplexed by the concept recently he made a
lame joke about it.
What's the Big idea?
"It will be bringing me Moscow's gold." Lpez Obrador then mocks Javier Lozano, one of the PRI's spokesmen, who this week warned against possible Russian intervention in Mexico's electoral process." I am now Andres Manuelovich," he says with a chuckle before adding a rather
lame joke about a parrot he owns.
The prospect of Russian meddling in Mexico's election is no joke
He told me: "Racing needs its superstars to appear at the track as often as possible", and made a
lame joke about popping down most weeks.
DOUBLE HANDFUL; John Shaw's racing betting column in association with
RAY: This reminds me of the old
lame joke about the guy who was almost out of gas, so he drove home fast, hoping to get there before he ran out.
Driving faster is no way to save fuel