la-la land, in

la-la land

1. A state of unrealistic and idealized fancy, beyond the realms of possibility. Sarah seems to be lost in la-la land these days. If Tom thinks he'll be able to live off his bad poetry, he's living in la-la land!
2. slang A nickname for Los Angeles (L.A.), California. Sometimes capitalized. She always had dreams of moving to La-La Land and becoming a famous actress.
See also: land
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

la-la land

1. Los Angeles, California (often abbreviated L.A.). This expression pokes fun at the alleged eccentricities of the city's inhabitants. For example, What do you expect? Frederick has lived in la-la land for ten years and it has rubbed off on him . [Slang; c. 1980]
2. A state of being out of touch with reality, as in I don't know what's going on with Amy-she seems to be in la-la land. [Slang; c. 1980] Also see cloud-cuckoo land; never-never land.
See also: land
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.

la-la land, in

Out of touch with reality. This slangy equivalent of never-never land dates from the 1980s. The New York Times stated (Jan. 10, 1992), “Stanford is a multicultural la-la land. . . . It’s not the real world.” Capitalized, La-La Land is a jocular nickname for Los Angeles, California, a term that also dates from the 1980s.
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • la-la land
  • live in cloud-cuckoo land
  • be in cloud-cuckoo land
  • cuckoo
  • Cloud Cuckoo Land
  • cloud-cuckoo land
  • beyond the realm(s) of possibility
  • beyond/within the realms of possibility
  • possibility
  • realm