The ability to empathize is a stepping stone to a
moral compass. Children have a natural capacity to "try on" new roles.
A moral compass. (For Parents Particularly)
Would Ms Watson prefer our children to have no
moral compass, no capacity to understand this kind of horror?
Film helps kids gain a moral compass; Letters
Like the French aristocrats isolated inVersailles before the French Revolution they don't have any sense of shame and have lost any sense of
moral compass. 'Let them eat cake?'' Yes indeed.
One rule for elite
As a man with a strong
moral compass, Sin is adamant that Hywel pays for deceiving Cwm FM's listeners with their 'fake' broadcasts.
Ignoring her
moral compass, Jane continues the affair with Jake, only to develop feelings for the divorced architect Adam (Steve Martin), whom she has hired to remodel her kitchen.
also showing; IT'S COMPLICATED (15) Rating: ..
Quite regularly the so-called
moral compass is mentioned.
Politicians' religion; MAILBAG
Brown came to power, unelected, but with a supposed
moral compass. Trouble is, no one seems to know where the preacher is going with it.
What about Kennedy role in IRA murders? VOICE OF THE NORTH
Anyway, satisfied with my toilet roll holder purchase, I went this week in search of something far more precious and even more difficult to find - a
moral compass.
It'd be great if MPs took the archbishop's directions on morals
In an apparent reference to Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who has claimed to be guided by a
moral compass, the Archbishop also observes that "without these anxieties about the specific costs, we've lost the essential
moral compass".
Archbishop likens Brown's common man snub in recession to Hitler's policies
WE all know about Gordon Brown's "
moral compass" - he and his sycophants keep telling us.
Letter: Your view - Dirty politics
What Muslims need today is a
moral compass that is clear and unambiguous, a leadership and unifying voice that inspires and gives hope and allows us to realise the vision of the Holy Quran' as a community raised for the benefit of mankind, enjoining good and forbidding evil.
Letter: From the message board
For a minute there we could have been forgiven for thinking that here, at least, was one rich, over-paid and over-privileged footballer who had some compassion, some sense, some kind of
moral compass.
Carole Malone: Rio says balls to morals
The freakish protagonist has his
moral compass set to local, not national or ecclesiastical, concerns.
How Greene is our worldview? The fractured souls that inhabit Graham Greene's fiction offer timely lessons about the dangers of idealistic zealotry. (culture in context)
The Essex's plight prompted me to reflect on how quickly our
moral compass is spinning these days as we leave our Judeo-Christian moorings and cast ourselves onto the uncertain seas of a godless social order--voluntarily no less.
Cannibalizing the innocent. (The Last Word)
Dole himself seems to have the
moral compass of a pit viper.
Nightmares of depravity