

slang One who distills and sells homemade liquor (moonshine) outside the taxes and regulations of the law. My grandad was a notorious moonshiner who supplied the whole region with booze during prohibition.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. a maker of moonshine. Moonshiners in the Georgia hills are using sophisticated electronic warning systems to keep one step ahead of the feds.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • leeky store
  • 3-on-the-tree
  • who shot John
  • on consignment
  • tongue oil
  • tongue loosener
  • loosener
  • Make my day!
  • make one's day
  • You made my day
References in periodicals archive
"He is called a moonshiner because it is supposed that he engages in his illicit traffic on moonlight nights when there is enough light to make work easy and enough darkness to make him secure"
The legendary status of moonshiners in the camps' folklore reflected the significance of alcohol as a symbol of subversion of the company's regulation of workers' lives and space in the camps.
Fast Lane and Moonshiner's Moolah were released on the 15th and 22nd of May, 2012 respectively, and have instantly become popular with all Sunset Slots Casino players alike.
In another raid, Phoolnagar police raided and arrested a moonshiner namely Shaukat and recovered 20 litres of liquor from him.
The police also arrested moonshiner Nadeem Akhtar, resident of 12/1AL with 20 litres of liquor, Sharif of Alvi Town with 30 litres, Yousuf Masih of Madina Town with 30 litres, Rustam Ali of Phularwan Wazirkay with 50 litres and Rashid Ahmad of Jagga Singh with 50 litres of liquor.
Another moonshiner, Fyaz Ahmad was arrested with 20 litres of liquor, Ali with 20 litres and Imtiaz Hassan was nabbed with 25 litres of liquor.
Besides, a lady moonshiner was nabbed with 20 litres of liquor.
Unfazed, game for anything, a true lover of life, this series is packed with everything from music and football to gangsters and real life moonshiners.
Unfazed, game for anything, and a true lover of life, Billy packs in everything from music and football to gangsters and real-life moonshiners.
The district police unearthed two running breweries and recovered liquor from moonshiners. On a tip-off, the police raided village Nanka Sing and unearthed a running brewery.
Hepps will give two family history presentations at the monthly Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois meeting: "The Margarine Moonshiners from Minsk" partly takes place in Chicago.
Moonshiners certainly continued to offer illicit, tax-free and regulation-free alcohol, but at some point, the supply chain of legitimate alcohol made the higher priced, legitimate products more accessible to a much larger pool of consumers than low-overhead, illegal moonshiners could possibly reach, so the illicit suppliers became minor players.
"I wanted to make a product that would keep people coming back for more and then one day it hit me after watching an episode of 'Moonshiners,'" said Harris, citing the show that inspired him to begin experimenting with beer kits that he purchased online.
Everyone is making bootleg liquor, and Flagstaff and the surrounding ranches are full of moonshiners, bootleggers and customers.