know something backwards
know (something) backwards
To be extremely familiar with a particular subject, field, or piece of writing, film, music, etc. Primarily heard in UK. I've read this book so many times, I know it backwards. You should ask Samantha about your car. She knows engines backwards.
See also: backward, know
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
know something backwards
mainly BRITISH orknow something backwards and forwards
mainly AMERICANIf you know a subject backwards, you know a lot about it. I thoroughly enjoy lecturing and know my subject backwards. He will be very much in demand. He knows the business backwards. They know company personnel policy backwards and forwards.
See also: backward, know, something
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
know something backwards
be entirely familiar with something. 1991 William Trevor Reading Turgenev People who lived in the town knew it backwards.
See also: backward, know, something
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
know somebody/something ˈbackwards
(informal, especially British English) know somebody/something extremely well: He must know the play backwards by now — he’s seen it six times!See also: backward, know, somebody, something
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- (one's) true colours
- (Someone or something) called, they want their (something) back!
- tomorrow
- banner
- one rotten apple spoils the (whole) barrel
- one rotten apple spoils the (whole) bushel
- rotten apple spoils the barrel
- a bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel
- a rotten apple spoils the (whole) barrel
- a rotten apple spoils the (whole) bunch