
  • (had) known it was coming
  • (if the) truth be known
  • a man is known by the company he keeps
  • a tree is known by its fruit(, a man by his deeds)
  • also known as
  • for (a/some) reason(s) best known to (oneself)
  • for a/some reason/reasons best known to himself, herself, etc.
  • for reasons best known to himself
  • have known better days
  • have seen/known better days
  • if the truth were known
  • if truth be known/told
  • knew it was coming
  • know (all) too well
  • know (one's) own mind
  • know (someone or something) as (something)
  • know (someone or something) by name
  • know (someone or something) for what (they or it) is
  • know (someone or something) from (someone or something else)
  • know (someone or something) inside out
  • know (someone or something) to (do something)
  • know (someone or something) to be (something)
  • know (something) backward and forward
  • know (something) backwards and forwards
  • know (something) by heart
  • know (something) by rote
  • know (something) forward(s) and backward(s)
  • know (something) from memory
  • know (something) is coming
  • know a trick or two
  • know about (someone or something)
  • know all the angles
  • know as much about (something) as a hog knows about Sunday
  • know as much about (something) as a pig knows about Sunday
  • know at a glance that (something is the case)
  • know by (something)
  • know enough to come in out of the rain
  • know how the sausage gets made
  • know no more about (something) than a frog knows about bedsheets
  • know no more about (something) than a hog knows about Sunday
  • know no more about (something) than a pig knows about Sunday
  • know of (someone or something)
  • know the price of everything and the value of nothing
  • know thyself
  • know where (one) is coming from
  • know whereof (one) speaks
  • know which is which
  • known fact
  • known quantity
  • let it be known
  • let it be known/make it known that...
  • make (oneself) known (to someone)
  • make it known
  • make yourself known to somebody
  • man is known by the company he keeps
  • not know any more about (something) than a hog knows about Sunday
  • not know any more about (something) than a pig knows about Sunday
  • not know enough to come in out of the rain
  • not know where to turn
  • tree is known by its fruit
References in periodicals archive
(19) For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.
He was known for his work with foundry sand control.
Note that mailing a deficiency notice and demand for payment, addressed to both spouses, to the electing spouse's last known address does not start this two-year period.
INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN FASHION DESIGNER JEFFREY BANKS KNEW as a child growing up in Washington, D.C., that he wanted to be a designer.
You're known as a defender of the canon, but you manage to allow, for example in your supportive review of Francis Haskell's Rediscoveries in Art, a considerable sociological dimension to changes in taste.(2) If such canonical figures as Caravaggio, Piero, and Vermeer had to be rediscovered, can you still uphold a standard of objectivity?
She is known to be a prop to her husband's mind, and her husband is president of the United States.
The prover's aim is to persuade a verifier that such a path is known without giving the verifier the slightest idea of how to construct the path.
For example, the country then known as Tanganyika asked for surveyors, and we sent them people whose only connection with surveying had been holding the rod and chain while the surveyor sighted through his gizmo.
* Agencies must report clearances for specific offense breakdowns on either the Return A or the Monthly Return of Arson Offenses Known to Law Enforcement to be included in this table.
Before you moved to Southern California you were heavy into the drum and bass scene, DJing and the like, and were really well known for it in the UK.
We all borrow from each other as we seek to fulfill our shared calling of making Christ known.
She was a kid like other kids I knew, except she was the only one I'd known longer than a year.
In the introduction to my recently published book, Searching for Your Soul, I wrote about the "two worlds" I have always known: "the concrete, day-to-day physical world -- deadlines, desks, dinner -- the world of manifestation; and another world, the spiritual world of mystery, the world of God." But there are also other "worlds" that bisect this initial twinned reality: first, the world of the Christian -- the symbolic language of my earliest spiritual experiences which were largely Christ centered; and that of the Jew -- the religion of my birth, but not encountered until much later in life and then, as a baptized Christian.
For example, even though IRC sections 6212(a) and 6212(b) direct the IRS to send a deficiency notice to the taxpayer's last known address by certified or registered mail, neither the code nor the regulations
In Bell,(36) the issue was whether the spouse claiming relief should have known of the erroneous nature of a $90,000 interest deduction taken by her husband.